
scumdogs of the universe have united to take over… the sedate mind a shuddering beast with no resolve… it is a nuisance to move this hurky-jerky machine of errors, that avoided going to open mic last night in sheer terror at breaking through my veil of secrecy, but even that does not sound right… stage fright cannot compel the creator from viewing the fecal remains of artistic wholesomeness, no matter how shy or aloof the person describes themselves to be, and this person furthermore needs to be aware of how the pieces come together when it is called for on these occasions of criminal purpose… i use the term ‘criminal’ loosely, for those without adequate stomachs to hold in all the presupposed rot and tendency to submit to lies and pain with perfect obedience in regard towards the authority present throughout all glorious missteps along the way to enlightenment, and we pave the path along roads that were never as solidly established as might appear with first glances… the whole embarrassing saga continues to repeat with the odd signal or kick to make leaping from one path to another just that much more exclusive to the ones moving in this way, from one life on into the next without fear of memory betrayed or explanation tucked away into the grave without concern for secrets exposed to everyone else involved, but we are not locked in so tightly as once figured from an empirical viewpoint that foregoes the subject to initiate the constriction of the object… to contain what does not deserve to be locked away in a jar or a box, though it is difficult to feel the confidence surging to the surface of the skinny fellow i am, but am not convinced that i have a vision so minor as not to achieve it… if i do not try, it will fizzle to the next worthy contender whether i wish this or not to be the case, and the contents of this hard-set head is mixed between junk and gems of inestimable value that can only be sorted and collected by the rarest of authorities not beset by the urge to judge all things out of hand… some judge out of concern that nothing is going right, but many others judge as though to reinforce their own justifications why they do the things they do, to prove to others of personal righteousness even if it means having to judge themselves every now and again to prevent obvious corruption… it takes bold steps to confront the harsh truths that mimic and mock the ever-present reality we have to live through to compose an ideal peace through focused moral and ethical imperatives not everyone can see by any stretch of the common imagination, a common sense is only as common as there are other participants in this exchange of ideas leading to arrival at some predetermined constraint, and this bondage is used to force people into further control under doctrine and fierce propaganda to underscore the agenda of the tyrannical and their tyrannies at the expense of still others left dried-up and lost to a good cause… the gears move the ordered respective machinery to and fro without stopping for tremendously lengthy periods of time as the epic and gigantic tick-tock doomsday eats at our available resources Here, like clockwork bodies all in motion at once for some great catalytic thing which will breach the barriers between one world and another, but forcing us to choose between the hollow cost of empty gloss and glamor for commercial gain… and the other hand, with its contents of acquired taste for the rearrangement of mechanical mankind to do anything other than a particular bidding…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on July 12th, 2011 in blogging, i for Ipseity..., rants & raves, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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