what is this sour taste in my mouth?… I say that it is the preconceived notion of hatred that sullies our relationships with other human beings… who says we have to touch each others genitals in order to get along?… is it some primitive direction that our bodies desire to be felt up?… I seriously don’t care about the flesh as it pertains to being overtly sexual in order to be at all… that is not the only function I hold dear… to me, the greatest thrill is communication of the highest possible efficacy, and that is far superior to merely fucked feelings that can drain the emotional senses if improperly distributed amongst strangers… I may seem prudish or perhaps even a bit weird, but obviously you do not know me at all, you only know the assumptions that filter into a lecherous brain… the only erogenous organ you’ll ever own as much as it owns you… the mind can be our condemnation in as much as it can be our saving grace… preferences aside, our sex grows weighty with fear, and engorged upon the hapless cheap thrill far too often for the soul to keep up with… are we those soulless machines that we see gliding across the streets in horror at the state of the as yet to be place we are always inhabiting?… some of us are walking nightmares, and we beat back our inner demons only to unleash them at the most unjustifiable moments at those that do not need the pain… for trauma lies everywhere that our forms cannot touch… secret buggery can kill the creative spirit in ways that even the most open-minded do not see until it comes raining down at their feet… feel the spray of my horrendous vitriol as it splashes upon you… your mind becomes stained by the rank fecal matter as it seems to prod my dark inner depths… now take that to your grave, and suck it…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on December 9th, 2008 in h for Hwyl..., khet's coroner. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.