magic, the heart of yearning to be free…
Thinking negatively can be a detrimental piece to a person’s life….that they would rather be missing…However, living is never so wickedly simple, but indeed, so wickedly complex to find out the necessary answers…How do we affect the reality of what we do with our actions with the raw thoughts and imagination inside our minds?…How do we manifest destiny?…Yet despair follows those actions that aren’t so passionately executed?…Where can I confess my respect for this existence?…Somedays feel more futile than others…Inside of us all beats a pumping organ that will allow passion to be infused in every minute detail of this life…The spirit is what gives life and imagination to our works…Our flesh is the medium to pasting the puzzle all together…The mind is the logical thinking machine that presides over a will to be more than just an organism…All these points are that magic that oversees a balancing act through the ether…Metaphysics and quantum physics are seperate in jargons and theories, but the stabilizing fins are we who delve into the unfathomable to draw out raw stuff…Science, religion and everything under the sun that includes things nailed down and otherwise…We should have no fear for the unknown because our essence has been Here, and it will always survive Here, always being where it is most necessary to move…The magick has always been what we are, whether in a god’s mysticism, or the back of a pickup truck… Here we are, and this is my proof…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on August 22nd, 2007 in h for Hwyl..., khet's coroner, subdued wisdom. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.