…meGrims dark…

…antidote anecdotal global evidence of ancient drug users manifesting destiny through their tinier worldview than ours today lost in what’s left remaining detritus and language barriers we cannot escape only relate to though even the best of us do not appear to learn so much as change as ways employ our vessels for their amusement killing us slowly not softly nor subtly as mortality creeps over us each in our own time that designing of more elaborate ends chemistry and circuitry bending to our mortal whims dreading failure more than success as it bends us to its whims Here submitted, it’s a theriac theriac with metaphor to absorb so much what an ego trip tripping over the candlestick sticky at both ends burning retreating to recover some human integrity after throwing oneself against a proverbial wall one cannot see yet feels as though metaphor for immovable objects objecting to being objectified by juggling behaviors we have become accustomed to in multitasking as we do these days has been second hand nature embedded between our ears for too long succumbing to the forceful nature of outside impulses making us dance in varying ways combined to justify either course of action clearly, obsequious obsequies obsessed directly with death and the debt we so casually leave behind us in unfathomable wakes of grief and anger hard to believe if one hasn’t experienced it for themselves perhaps detaching from others as means of escaping the untrustworthy travels of every one else Here just as hatched from a trap as you or myself blindly trying to find an exit pathway outward to a stabilizing mediocre island for ourselves and those we can confide in for support carving out unique survival as a worldwide course seems less of us are on-board we might have previously thought… what frustration and stress to start having to redeem oneself out from the abyss made cleaning others messes doubting and confused whether the expendable particulars of these roles apply to you Here and vital expressions of your character as regards the purpose or benefit that one may strive to afford knowing even if such a responsibility can become a tailored burden that tames the jailer of our soul some among us strive for the more serene plateaus as nature has provided in our choosing to manifest Here of all places though a certainty that this is not the only portion, of the journey that we must pay attention or at least remain aware of the nuances and layers that tease our individual sparks to shine and bloom revealing whatever we were let loose as seeds to grow Here no matter what the circumstances that may seem to align against our personal growth variable as the motion that we choose clearly triggering repercussions more than simply noise distracting from real issues larger than local as we collectively tolerate this abuse because do not know what else to do with ourselves being in circuits and patterns that previously served those personal gods, now we destroy each other making excuses as we always have understanding these slight variations in the cosmic tapestry from what we can read into its massive ferocious beauty undulating and shaping us as we can be capable of somehow learning observing and recording this phenomena we experience as separate yet combined creatures unable to tap into our natural hive mind except rarity accepted as confidence trick side show shit gimmick blending truth with lies on purpose depending upon persons doing such ornery chicanery to defile and disgrace disturb the human race if possible whenever forces do not collude against…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on May 31st, 2024 in blogging, critical concepts, dark thoughts, g for Galere..., personal afflictions. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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