Dim mak cracy…
there is no award for worse persons though to televised depictions of a foul relationship to concepts as that worst within us can make about as good an argument of practical worth valuable to the friendly threat few enigmatic frienemy forces feel for themselves as they try to villainize everyone from friend to foe to opposition competing secretly against in stereotype as their perpetual existences present only to distance every single option relating directly to others in trying to learn from being human while reflective and absorbing the information essential to bring an about face to those soldiers already sent entrenched and ready to be a personal angel of death to someone who isn’t me hidden endarkened ego shaped by many forms and multitudes of names whom resemble nothing more than all one force behind the curtains on every stage of those dramatic campaigns to commit unified affronts to distract or manipulate from too afar to be dealt with in a direct manner obliterating dreams as much as the lives that lead them making a cruel poisonous social gruel a mashed infusion with painless mass suicide, and also catalogued effects of the intoxicating by-products distilled of Mankind’s limited grasp knowing a creation is born from this reversal penetration of fortune proportioned to those loud and overbearing voices that can and will scream until the longest has long ago seen the future of echoing silent among us relaxed Now that the life has spilled out and over with words the pseudo-useful glue used to bridge the gaps between alien features requiring one to be open to adapting to a whole range of attitudes and dynamic linear scale of diversity diverting funds to shelter those very same elites tempting to recruit life hackers from all walks of this conscious journey making history happen with ease the dominoes falling in their arranged circuit currently considered world affair which only few participate becoming a circus of political and militaristic sideshows freakishly financed by a powers-that-be mentality concluding no one as able thinker for any good themselves properly enough to control one’s own fate, can domestication evolve to calibrate the system as it is believed to making any sense in this way mechanically separating the soul from a ghost resurrecting the shell to maintain deftly invested interests in almost everything wanted under the sun then a scarce supply meeting overwhelming demand smashing head-first into one another coming into instant confrontation within an imperious cellular structure containing the remnants labeled as such in and defined for a convenient referential aspect that digitally makes us the individuals whose methods and techniques remain always questionable without a decent answer as to why this is the way it is… the takeover was complete ages ago like the legendary pyramids of egypt defines part of the ornate curiosity we have for these grand mystery temples within whose true past eludes all but the most dedicated taunted a speculation at a time in series with one’s own tallied lifespan, as games rigged at vital junctions to challenge the human perception that demands absolute applicable experiences to obtain and retain taskmaster role of the mind through self discipline though the real ratio of masters to slaves when this cosmogenous collective is questioned by ones of the many wondering what answers would ever be satisfactory enough to actively deal with as many problems to find one person unrelated to the harm caused or damage done reciprocal bartering to haggling to begging when all else fails in a desired response to get what one wants, but once the elite power cult takes charge of consensus reality as dominant paradigm can that be then as chainlink fence to guarding property marked no trespass to others…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on June 4th, 2017 in blogging, d for Dysteleology..., dark thoughts, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.