Fuck the bourgeois.
domestic terror in the cultural sphere, with no where left to go, but what solace is there for the wickedly ignorant?… there is none because of the vague intent to shift blame onto others when personal responsibility is at stake…. to keep pride above all things, the indoctrinated jibe is too much the mortar of the new fascist regime, and the capitalistic foundation for corrupt exclusion… none of the business is ours but the unrelenting work of the cog, that toothed gear wheel incrementally spinning things around, but there is no proof for this momentum accept what appears in practice… it seems as though we are all working for something courageous that goes beyond a real explanation, but how can we know that when it is so uncanny to believe?… a strong difference between what we know and what we think we know, between what is obvious and what is hidden from immediate view, and what we allow ourselves to understand as opposed to what others never tell us at all… the morgues and asylums are filled with those who can ‘see’, but that society is afraid of their being right in some easily unidentifiable way, opposite to the ulterior motive to manipulation that many rational minds seek… this is why they are put away, outside of sight and mind, to allow the manipulators more room to breathe their hot air… no wonder why most people are drawn in by the drug culture or other fetishistic substitutes for real time responsibility… when a dominant cultural beast tries to rape its citizens on the daily basis to upkeep its ideal of the slithering American dream intact, to make more profit and to take the authoritative stance of righteous slaughter, but there is no way to just stop this… we all have to move in unison, or else it may truly seem a lost cause to contribute to, with all the unacceptable forms of behavior surrounding us at all times… blotted out by the bourgeoisie who own us through and through, as our rebellion has led us to meet our near future so quickly Here, and trying to get out of the class struggle is the crux of our own personal evolution… to enlighten the emotional plane is probably the most dangerous exploration on the mass scale left to us, and the breakdown in social conditioning will eventually lead us to this facing down of truth, beyond all the given remedies that people utilize in exchange for the ideas that matter most… i am not a Marxist per se, but it seems that to make the surface of the pond so pretty for the “beautiful” ones to relax, there needs to be an infinite number of working people behind the scenes… they aren’t going to take too kindly to the system that gives no option but to waste the potential for the kinetic motion, perpetrating the worst offense against those that make the real things happen, but only the handful can get away with flaunting their true enmity for a system constantly buggering the heck out of every detail that could be another profitable commodity… without any ideas of the cosmic laws in action, ordering specific traits to fall away while others are seen as justified in some way, and that seems to correspond with the ideas that we need leaders to naturally take up the slack of those who would rather go their own way… these leaders easily corrupted into breeders of people, exchanging people of ‘stock’ for others in cycles of finding the perfect ‘pets’ to make this world pretty again, and forcing the paranoid mind to close off all contact with those dark outsiders not privy to their machinations… to be continued….
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on February 23rd, 2011 in blogging, dark thoughts, f for Floccinnaucinihilipilification..., rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.