Friday the 13th…
a good day over the seeming halts and craggy orifices of thoughtful mention so far… there is a flair to rainy holidays from hell… with only a fraction of time between me and my love wasting away during the Valentine’s day holiday weekend, and no sign of bad luck this time around… what taints this day so?… I know not… love is not a hapless victim this time around, but solidified thing to enjoy….or so it would seem… the tricks and the trade are one and the same… games of a different name… not to be confused with meddling mask or machete… no camping or crystal clear lakes… yet the haunting trill of bad luck screams ominous… a gentle strumming of the heart strings perhaps… does the hatred for everyone mean a love for something as special?… what living last loving gasp proceeds beyond the corridor of doubt?… what a playful and senseless post this be… so unlike the formula for fornication that comes with this post-coitus post… even through the despicable nature of self-degradation I come victorious… that is all, my dreamies…
Posted by Friday on February 13th, 2009 in f for Floccinnaucinihilipilification.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.