whore Force, man.

the scared whistle of human amazement when confronting a prospective event in the realm of impossible by characterizing it as an interesting item of casual mention takes away its presence only temporarily while breaking the terms down into a simple speech of explanation for those without the intuition to learn, from this odd experience of careful attrition through the massive accumulation of the population’s opinions and whims made heavy and resonant through the various trials and tribulations of the typical human bystander in a standard age, and the average with its hedged bets and wagers thrown down to stay as safe as possible where risk runs the wheel of fortune not hesitating to necessitate a scheme to manipulate a community unaware of the power inherent in words hinting at values formerly hidden by the ruling class of pseudo-intellects dancing with lies in their teeth like wedges of a wooden pick stuck between the mandibles to echo a droll taste for the finer things in life… the wealthy play vanguard to the monumental travesty that money has allowed to occur in the mind games that humans play with each other, the instinct being to follow those angular rhythms back to their respective cues and sources until the gradual spreading the individualized standards as facts makes narrowed gaps for individuals to find their niches as though a series of wish fulfillment as the genie pops out to play on occasion, but only when some unlucky fool rubs the lamp the wrong way does any of this come about as severely like tire damage… it is a good thing we ride on these hooves as the horses stride along impervious to the heat and barren waste appearance of this desert realm, the barbarous tribes manage well in the dirty plains and cracked mounds of sand slipping through the grasp of time as my group moaned aloud for the forty or so (thousand leagues below) thieves to stop stealing the mojo necessary to keep it real for the rest of us, but other “players” try to impress their own variations to the rules agreed upon originally as though they were only there to manifest other more relevant systems to become mindless pawns trained to be affected by no one else but the master’s hand in feeding time as dangerous situation for the dynamic resurrection of dying parts in the recycling of base elemental themes… overuse into the extremity for isolated disuse where eventually potential wealth of conceptual potency leads to reuse of thematic displays as reflection reveals subtle reference to common attributes between energies of a vague and indeterminate nature to precisely analyze with total accuracy, always a dispute among friends and foes alike though neither party is ever too similar to the other in patterns of thought even when peace is the more beneficial option to take, and then it gets fucked by the factor of simple distrust and sarcasm provoked into stoking the fires of emotional consciousness leading to fights and various other horrid side effects of brutality… it can be difficult to assess one’s goals while equally acknowledging all the influences necessary in achieving change as a regulatory device in setting all things to fit the way in which one would choose to see them, all information is there even though some do not have the sensory organs to reveal the truth inherent in these messages we are utilizing to deceive each other in this mad rat race where no one ever wins, but everyone is absolutely convinced that there is a definite sequence to getting what is wanted once the focus and drive have matured to the point that a simple series of tasks and situations are all that is required to meet your goals… however, this societal understanding is a fallacy for the real majority of us who realize that nothing comes so easily, but even still there are all too plentiful an amount of individuals out there willing to allow the suffering of others for their own benefit… the lazy are among us…

Thanks, khet.

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