…cux en Flux, spreading offense, things take flight…

…grabbing at whatever first comes to stick out sore thumb dissection of the processes as they proceed to move further in their respective directions Here lost in space or space purely lost clinical definitions fare best through the emotional plague that hates us all which is to say there are few things that are not some sort of fragments of memory leeched out of us from inner skins yet to be revealed when time knows all those layers in advance though without framing of context and reference to count on and account for fluctuating displaying sheltered stasis in the massive, triggering far more primordial parts than we have the ability to recognize beyond surface value when we finally do glance in that impulsive direction over the shoulder touring other plateaus Here fragmented by varying polarities bearing the burden of alternate personal variances always has long been served by others though only successfully with a willing community immune to whatever tries to pressure our hands unclean through manipulated behaviors as we are remaining open to that which seems immortal lasting for longer than forever as we seize it wanting this to be real all throughout the journey of life as kingdom, triggering opinion pined over as narrowed oblivion sense of self running rampant programs that pogroms the rest of us whether we like that or not is none of our business until it is looking forward to utterly harsh consequences Here that render us inert under weight of our own dimension of dementia to which we are willingly poisoned puppets wielded by a master faceless as it is omnipresent even spiritual within the context of a surveillance culture at large trying to terrorize all its citizens equally while reaping the rewards being what remains of everyone left out or in gravely… connecting dots where only dashes exist defining nil or nonexistent data collectively sharing the process of growth but rarely anything of value to show for the effort because at their heart they are selfish reasons that flourish under the pressures of life through which we are managing slowly but surely to divine and navigate our ways beyond the physical traps laid bare especially at this point in the collective struggle superseding what strange dynamics can be found throughout our separate journeys Here dealing with debris in order to follow oneself into the narrowed spaces of the coffin as resting stop, that finite engagement with reality we must all share with ourselves more than with any other because of its personal nature intrinsic to our existence aware of other frames of truth besides our own delusion offending the flight of anyone else believed undeserving to the attention or credit who wishes to partake madness seeps through the animal rind making all of us more than a little stir crazy screaming and blinded the smoke gets in our eyes from the fires we have started flailing out search parties to find flame retardant surfaces on which to work with while still Here, in some fashion or another seeds implanted stroke the ego as they stoke the sparks to ignite larger conflagrations of the heart and mind cindering to ash the sinews and meat this temporary structure housing so much without our awareness though always in conflict with ourselves and others through these clarifying statements percolating toward different faces to rekindle ideas merely considered there yet has life all throughout even when left desecrated by humanity the soil becomes nutrient rich a generation at a time compelled to cultivate something unique from the grandeur and wonder one sees wanting to leave a mark…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on October 21st, 2024 in backwash, f for Floccinnaucinihilipilification..., Miscellaneous, rants & raves. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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