Slimming down to fit into the coffin
The basement is closed to us.
A flush of excrement welled inside my pants.
This is what they have always meant by change.
My scrotum crawls up into my abdomen.
The choking feeling of change for change’s sake.
My limbs feeling as consumed by fire.
Wallowing in misery for far too long to fathom.
Gripping my sides in welling agony as dread fills me.
A new light opening my eyes.
As the sweat pours off my skin.
A new awakening begins to show.
The nerves start to crackle with pain.
The anticipation to interject a different energy.
The stomach clenches, and butterflies fill me to spilling out of my mouth.
The reactions to a voodoo logic as the magick becomes far more.
Falling to the knees, my body begins to thrash around, and the skin is electric.
When it’s all gone from me, somewhere I lose the train of thought, and the light fades in.
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on October 24th, 2006 in f for Floccinnaucinihilipilification..., personal afflictions. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.