the first sane word.
there are total misnomers when it comes to communicating between human beings. the self-awareness seems to get in the way of a perfectly decent conversation. not just egos and feelings, but also versions of self that intrude upon thoughts already occurring for someone. the creative caption is the label which conforms to the sight of the ignorant and the truly innocent in equal measure. to choose this appearance is the supreme glory, and as the ages get younger to seek the detail of earthen matters, there is a certain level of disappointment that the youth need a frame beyond the soul-hatred of a new year’s rise to prominence. the thrill within memory is always rising to the awareness levels of the people around us. we all need a palatable sensation to get through the worst of times. shaking up our captions of what the real perception is in the abstract realm of the anchored place called ‘home’. the darkness enshrouds the encampment of gypsies as they begin their hike along those well-traveled roads. playing the songs of ages past before our closed eyes within the domain of sleep, residing alongside nightmares and devils alike, but not for the causes of evil ways but always learning more for the forsaken lot that has affix-ated to suckle upon the breast of culture’s unforgiving teet. feeding the imagined soul, not the outer hollow realms, but the real ideas that manifest outside ourselves. it takes some kind of gumption to try and explain all that, whether nonsense or otherwise, but I simply regurgitate as I see fit Here…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on June 30th, 2008 in f for Floccinnaucinihilipilification..., khet's coroner, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.