Douchebags & Derelicts
the chant one joins will speak loudly to the multitude that just doesn’t get it at all as this retreating purpose to test the general consensus limiting itself to hostile whispering war-like oblivion whirling with all the chaos inhabiting Here lost in the wilderness always in the pursuit of finding those who can bring us loose of the damage done, to some of those that grip the seeds of imagination in their heads know of worlds within worlds to traverse without harsh consequence though always requiring the shared energy of the gamer who defines their own rules while at the same time living parallel in our world, but not always fully accepted as any part of the truly natural fauna found native to this planet as refusal to adapt to our current mock paradigm shows the truth in how formalized an act it has become to dismiss and intrude upon others’ behaviors whether there is any actual invested interest or not makes no difference to these douchebags-in-process trying their damnedest to throw off everyone else’s game with the inane cattle chatter whining… dining upon all those fanciful flavors of the spirit and soul energies confused with emotions so brilliant as to blind the mind of the victor who intrudes without compassion or respect for others, as motivation tries to free the unkind from their hatred that makes them incompatible with humane interaction as this molten temper tempers the metaphysical us through connective tissue challenging our preconceived notions injected like junk for the monkeys trashed and wondering who will be the one to take care of them, but to swing the fixated monkey off one’s back is not an easy task to complete for those of us who cannot tame that inner wild beast breeding comfort with curiosity and rebellion from an animal motor mind that is not at all appeased by the attitudes of the intellect.. emotional substance as fettered in moods and feelings solid enough to those that access them nonetheless, as most of these sad beings are so retarded in this aspect as a test to their truer mettle deep within affecting cryptic discussion of lessons abstracted and dissected, but cheap thrills and spills seem the talking cock hidden by the tricky confetti of the trading parade moving in to disturb and betray trust walking as yet another game to analyze and condemn whoever plays into taming this struggle we have before us as tends to happen when all along these douchebags have won…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on June 14th, 2014 in blogging, d for Dysteleology..., dark thoughts, rants & raves, subdued wisdom. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.