mend a city…

deceptivity as much receptivity reinforces the place to fit this or that thing we see so casually as the trade of these tricks change of attack to get what one is after hinted at with only some moderate respect intact though not so tactfully exposed to void whatever truth trickles out from the wounds left holy for the martyrs in their vivid memory in the mainstream media whose authority was bequeathed by the same people who are manipulated at large through visual audio means as messages become gargled and distorted in a rage as the serious and silly need to find spaces for themselves so too do we all need a neutral place for which to communicate properly, but what is it that could ever reinforce an earned respect without judgment that we should all require to the very core of our beings tracing the patterns as project and reflect our sometimes wanton visions for a future uncertain hospitality that can’t be misdirected back were what previously reinforce positive exercises to indulge in soon becoming disparaging and negative once the serious discomfort sets in to creep along our spines in a hilarious mess shown to create order by those chaotic things as embedded during psychopompous chance and circumstance in that wilderness of the out there that is larger than us as a current macrocosmic home, by extremes the masks that tear lucid upon the civilized cracking back forced trying to stay aware of many factors before the attackers loom out of this human darkness to strike fear into these hearts of humanity whose pool of resources stretch far and wide among the sections and segments of the popu-lace strewn through to tie us all together hewn rough like the growing woods as trees reaching fingers up toward the sky to touch the sun… craving a satisfaction compared to this sadist factory churning out highly educated sociopaths and killers who yearn to grip the world in their palms as it spins using any means to this end as the villains who dot history with a pain as much lingering shames to plague the future earnings of humanity in whose stellar plateaus are yet to be met stage where the real is that combined with those fantastic magical things behind a dark curtain of fantasy, it seems we can only visualize once the lies have been implanted into soft wet tissues to transmit our signals from both the extreme past and this future to which we have no eyes to see limiting by dreams of perhaps what may seem forbidden or even unattainable apart from the source of all of this as known vista of advantage to be embraced by only a few who appear to be courageous enough to be leaping as the ringing fire burns closer, and the mystic edge mutes even the mightiest who believes their own mastery far exceeds that of any others tainted by the deceit received as little token of an unjust world crudely compensating those conscious denizens with temporary contentment while amidst the shards of broken promises kept and used as lessons managing and manipulating all generations yet to come…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on January 16th, 2016 in blogging, dark thoughts, my art & dreams, subdued wisdom. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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