…ellipsis & the dot-Dot-dot…

…analytic and synthetic though technically not a cyborg as far as scientific affiliations under duress of excruciating seconds precious mutilations ticking to go away in temporal decay irreversible sequencing stays flawless underneath where human minds cannot grasp complicated complexity that will not squish and fit into simple terms so easily as this so the thoughts oregon trail off in dirty fabrications sometimes more gritty than erotically-charged as we travel the distance from Here to there wherever that happens to be as time machines we are working against grains of a narrowed line constantly erased and written again trying to understand, used as substitution for vague continuous thoughts before and after statements contiguous with the over-arching themes of thought terrorism and how it might be applied against us all through our individual daily trying to understand as walking living beings attenuated to this flesh by insecure means of functioning as societal monition presenting danger in differing substantial ways Here viciously assumed to be automatically presumptuous and pretentiously so by most opinions which like my own die off once the person becomes incomparable conundrum beating down the doors of perception to a brave new world none of us are privy to unless, or until we join them there in whatever lies behind the facade that re-calibrates with every shifting detail whether lost or found in the swirling mix doesn’t really matter as much as how it surfaces in the immediacy of now while under the interpretive pressure of every participating person on the planet who routinely updates their technology transmuting questions to answers to data then catalogued and archived to obtain the intangible libraries we know today which weren’t possible when referring to previous empires and people attempting to be civilized with little to no success throwbacks genetically cro-magnon then becomes bro-magnon… while neolithic neanderthal alternates sapience as neo-anderthal trying to deflect those ugly projections evolving this fiction before us as we strive each involved in our own stories compiled collectively for certain from this point on condoning inconsistent fascism of transitive information always moving attenuating circumstances barely glimpsed by the details at times only as in glances that chance at exposure to incidental relevance prevalent at first quieting to a soft parade as various personalities as others reveal and then fade their presence in essence becoming less essential each yields principle participating particles that divide growing into many objects and subjects, constrained within one’s thought bubble unique to them but relative to that of the snow globe perhaps recognizing the symbiosis of symbols Here metaphoric shambling minions of opinion shattering and entering the head upon contact because words as little glass soldiers reflect and dance light suggestions across receptive lobes in either hemisphere to take advantage of abilities now vulnerable to those capable of observing the parallel issues with mind and body contrasting with emotional energies unable to describe accurately though not so easily dismissed either when forcing the hand of discovery and innovation as vital industry turns to require technology, advancing what we thought we know further through expectation and speculation into artifact not fictional content elaborating upon cryptic nuance within the deep range of sensitive materials in fluctuating volatile states of being doing death and rebirth in colloquially casual communication when conversation contains pregnant pauses in order to thoughtfully dissect that aspect to everything which remains unfinished if only temporarily Here switching text as code folding corporeal traces deduced conclusion reasons romantic censure varied oblong signals of attraction and repulsion looping a drained magnetism sustained from our characters of common mistake replaced by ideal caesura this way aposiopesis comes…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on April 19th, 2024 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, d for Dysteleology..., Miscellaneous, my art & dreams, personal afflictions, practical theory, rants & raves, world at large. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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