Cthonic versus Demonic.
the illuminated facets slunk back in their seats of power unyielding to the forces underneath, placing concepts like good and evil against each other as though a total opposite enclosed and layered as in the case of nesting dolls as complex a myopic authority filtered down through the top of the pyramid scheme, and it is this solid effigy that casts out the real light from the square eye like a peg hole for the finely rounded out point… casting out any original penchant for detail… hypocrats (hypocritical bureaucrats) suddenly realizing that the ship they were building was sinking from the first moment it finished feeling the need to preserve their vessel as long as it was possible to make the illusion seem real, but making everyone and themselves too nervous with their energy presenting everything as though it needs to fall apart in order for it to work, justifiable sacrifices to a cause that no one has a complete insight into… so how does anyone ever come to any real conclusions ever, as they seem so open-ended from this biased insight gathered, and the only thing i can seem to relate to is my own sobering monkey passion that burrows its way out of my skull in literal anticipation for the next drag into the pit on the day-to-day basis we all generally seem to creep along within… brings me to my belabored point i suppose, the one where i try to prove that demonic is a general term for an intelligence of malignant proportions while the term cthonic refers to a something from deep within the earth that is not necessarily evil in the truest sense, but over the many millennia these terms have become synonymous and confused with one another even though they are two very different meanings thrown together in darkness… we come from the earth, maybe not clay but it certainly hails of origins that are not so easily perceived and understood with as full a comprehension as is needed to utilize the abstract knowledge best, but maybe in learning is where we have acquired the skills and talents to mutate our system with our beliefs… as has become obvious from the start of this whole crazy scenario before even we were conscious sparks residing within this entity staring at a screen like this, however we are not as alone ever as we believe we are because of the inherent oneness in all things, and this approaches the concept of our universe in a very different angle as well… something cthonic, even with hideous ideas of cosmic evil that Lovecraft unleashed into the grand subconscious stream when using the adjective, comes from the dark unknown underneath which it was erringly changed to mean the depths of the sea at first perhaps before the outer space was a reference last… the hive demonic intelligence is our own at one end of the spectrum, related to the hive mind of the human animal that pushes us out so many clones in line with varying directions of motion throughout our lives on this planet, and yet no matter how we might beseech the system it will not yield to our frequent harangues for argument… we are but matter on the surface of this brutal world in defiance of human hands that corrupt and reflect the vivisection of all the horrible realities to come as i am a sub-dude human observing all this waste, whether wasted in energy youth or vigor makes no difference as they are all of the same amount potential force of escaping wonder in this banal state of real things in action, and could there ever be a better way to see these things in action then let me see them soon perhaps nearer in the future than might at first seem relevant… i stake my claim on the edge of the ideas we are ashamed and discriminated against by default as the humans we are, who we are does not mean dick in this case because dick is the least of my concerns, or alludes to some kind of sexually abhorrent core… where there is no hope for a humanity left playing only with itself is the sacrament that warps and criminalizes all of us together as one herded hive mind from which it seems there are few options of escape, unless you take your life into your own hands to realize what unique opportunities are open to you, and then one must act on this delivery of energetic behavior or fail the one gift you had to count on… learning the hardest lessons means moving beyond the mindset we have grown so used to as the oblivious division of labor today insists…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on September 25th, 2011 in blogging, c for Colluvies..., d for Dysteleology..., rants & raves, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.