Crippled distinctions.
living with an objective view is wrong, the topic of our discussion today, but without the means to say it in any academic function or regard… we can actively perceive many things all at once, but very rarely are we ever so lucky as to understand this tapestry, for all it really is as it moves in its many ways… the big boy glasses don’t help me to see too much more than what i already think i know… the comfortable thought-forms can lull us into a step from oblivion, but even the wrong things need to be expressed for the good of prevention of overload within the depths of the universal psyche, the energy linking all living things great and small… our mistakes making us rash and neurotic, with the various disorders and therapy attached to that, but does it ever really conform to our personal ideas of well-being?… looking at everything through a bisected lens, that makes those objects within the field of view visible, and where those two particular visions meet is where the reality of this exists altogether as one thing… the incredible displays at the command of nature affects us all, we are built from something that exists at the fringes of our own belabored striving as the human animal, but how long can we let this trance-like state of autonomy blind us from the unknown horizons just outside our grasp?… sandwiched in-between layers of distance and the want for closeness, we haunt our own minds as ghosts trying to inflict our will to affect our future selves, but questions if we are ever really separated from the singularity that is god-form instead… it is in these orbits that truths revolve within and alongside the parallels that i define as the “six” dimensions (dementias), a spectrum of order relative to other systems inside this university of various thriving states, but a distinctive resolution of lessons through my own interpretive eye… we are all artists to some degree or another… our problem in this realization/ revelation is that each of us defines a usual narrowed view of what is ideal… the divine soul is super massive, encompassing the spark living through diversity in this organic form as it adapts to this reflective realm, and creates a rarefied form of science as god-form producing more diversity thus promoting multitudes of interlocking matrices corresponding to the various substances in the material world… we are what we eat, and sometimes what will not digest comes back up from where it went… we are conflicted by our individual dark gravity, at least for those of us on this side of the mirror, where the opposites always collide in interesting facets coming together… this universe is filled with endless loopholes where the soul can go, even this body is captive of the twist to be born into a predefined system without words or meaning, but requires the reassurance of others for the relay of information because all aspects seem to challenge one another without even trying to resolve the details… the hypocritical is a futile swarming function much like any other disorders, that tries to master the impossible duality of any and all extremes, and it is a mental disease that births worry and creeping contradictory emotions too much for any lesser beings… humans seem to be the ‘just-right’ blank to copy all kinds of data, and to put into instrumentation those tactics that can be gleaned from what experience teaches us in our individual respects and flavors of the weak… a strength crippled like any other so as to make us equals indeed… others may disagree as wished…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on March 26th, 2011 in blogging, c for Colluvies..., dark thoughts, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.