
where do we seem satisfied not merely with ourselves but also really content with how these microbial messy antics are playing out their fruition as a graduation ceremony a diseased self away from failed exploits the likes that of which condemn us in our thoughts and feelings as ultimate losers in the ill-devised chicanery of perennial guessing that perpetually raises the standard of what standard is of at the time it becomes hardly worth mentioning as mock penitent obsessed with a joking prophesy come true acting as though this potential resurging somewhere beyond us as factual information and clues left in the gods wake to be as delightful rumor disbelieved in by some confused fasch of science unbound in degrees of scholarly argumentatives and bustling consumer-students harken on back to those of an antiquated aggressive day and age where might as meant to mean right to all accounts was the law of this void, a status of viciousness defined long ago by a bestial humid vicinity without any known rationale of reason bleeding a few bounties hunted throughout the long ebb and flow grip we find ourselves cajoled to loosely fragment a shrinking dip where gravity pulls the conscious soul within beneath molten masses of split logical directions highs over lows as opposed to ablyss that sits in the chest hidden flesh-borne diseases as humanity scatters out from the crawling iron fist trying to crush the unlucky underfoot synchroic androidal art of official intelligence mismanaged by the natural human mistakes refuted to the Nth degree of some raw unrefined spectrum new to human eyes and thoughts as they try to adapt visually at first only to then to be as just with intuitive decision subtly realized one solid as a creature gifted with traits living radiant and radiated from all enlightened states overlapping each other spiral universes that some think are trapped perhaps by these of forms moved by irregular natures solid only mere moments, but we were not all brought Here to be dominated into the slow bent over leftovers of world wars wished won ages in the cold closed cosmos scientific surgeons believe most a truth to be solved further than maybe our true natures as part of the greater cycle of nature will not allow us to tread so easily so we face our fears by laughing at death without fully understanding what such a warrior requires to save themselves as much as anyone else with wisdoms in need as a savage shaman bringing tales to the rest of the tribe in order to share the responsibility of experience as the information requires them to translate those ideas so others may practice understanding more fully developed over many lives… disposable and chronic dysfunctionally mass mentality degraded by leaps and bounds as futile set of faiths bind us to places we may not want to be forced to chastise ourselves while clinging to poor motivational tools warped to the status quo single-handedly plundered by the quotable social upper class games that pushes line breaking chains trying to describe the precious rights we all possess as that solitary freedoms of choice personal to each unique person who has reached those as necessary states of self-awareness that grafts the messy reality of a soul onto our purely technical creation to which growth occurs when the qualities that bind us take us to others, we may not enjoy the realities of these people as they’re examples led on through wastelands sometimes of imaginary features that contradict our own opinions by disproving a validity of our creative tasks as well as the ones needed to become truly practical as humans seem to relish in the relying upon of friendly commune housed inside the tender of terms whose attempting at soft influence those of some sobering sights left, and not just to clearup any certain arguments left unspoken before some people have wandering leaving impressions furthering the mysteries already lost among the debris broken culture trying to forcefeed space down into conscious knots soaked through a ways unseen…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on February 26th, 2017 in blogging, c for Colluvies..., dark thoughts, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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