these creatures before me in the mind’s eye…
eye see them littered around like debris, trash to be swept from the streets, and yet we still clamor for the closeness that these creatures crave innately…what we see is one thing, and what we know to be the other…eye yearn for the idea that eye can join these masses in their fleshly pursuits, but the particle of the idea is only as this for now…all around me, they are, these feeble and inviting minds, but they do not truly perceive as people should…intellect is a corruption of the nature we all know as truth…eye see the famines and wars, and find myself disgusted with this viral creature who mates and kills its’ way through threads of jealousy and greed to meet a final destructive end…building ivory towers from which to spill their wine, and laugh about their superiority over other lands and peoples…these creatures evoke hatred of the purest kind from me…not to be biased by any other categorization of my ire…people equal hate as eye begin to hate myself…
Posted by '$' on July 31st, 2007 in $atan's $cratches, c for Colluvies.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.