countdown to Extraction
we speak in the homogeneous cliches that permeate the obliviously televised world in order to communicate more fluently between topics and each other, but where do these cliches end as the real point of human interaction should begin?… as in knowing the act so well it soon becomes another aspect of the lifestyle that is created and set into motion by the will as it is harnessed and projected out through the mind’s eye like a prism to paint the world the merry colors of golds and reds that usually follow autumn into winter, but Here it is winter more toward the center with the cold and the rain being prevalent for regular short bursts as stark contrast to the automatic idea of acceptance as coerced through the mainstream ideals in the horrid human panic throughout the big shitty in this time of season where hell gets colder than usual if you’re a demon of the hot-blooded variety in society as the moods seem ready to move once again, deciding to lodge where the warmth attracts our distracted eyes to view things in a way that are sometimes the opposite to that in which they really are to be actualized as being where there has never been before… a dark phantom that retires the sounds of the social anxiety acting as purge cum emotional caricature that reveals the exaggerated signs of stress in the real world of experience and animosity left behind once the bubble has begun to pass by the centuries that humanity has functioned within until now, but on the horizon there are better things awaiting our patience in the out there deeper still than a thousand sucking holes stealing the atmosphere, as much the breath from our lips is stolen away with a righteous and most guarded secret power which has no name common to the Man of decay who preys upon the living… i have been writing like this for a long time now with a very general fear that i do not know what it is i am doing Here, but as people reread what has been written it is the various elements appearing out of the ether as though like art revealing the hidden paths of meaning life in its entirety has to offer soon i realize this power draws them through all points of the globe to perhaps try understanding parts of this shoddy cryptic script before your eyes, i forgive you for what you believe even if it is for sending praise my way… do not misunderstand me as i appreciate what i can get, do believe me, but i am rather the victim and villain in my predicament Here… the only one in my head even as i cannot give myself over thoroughly to this peculiar faith reading yet further to find the anti-hero i am as well on the precipice of painful realization, which is why the blessed rise from this earth and which is why Man has cursed his family with rejection of the most basic and vital life on the planet to the point of trying to wipe out whole populations for sport and greed, but we are on the route to making things heal the way they ought to be at this point in this deranged test of civilization as we happen to be six inches forward and five inches back with no signs of remorse at all for anything that has been done as a whole… this is how populations have exploded while at the same time consuming each old “limb” to make room for the new one by cannibalizing and regrowing the pieces as desired, destroying the decadent once it has become too much of an inconvenience that the whole governing body needs to amputate whatever is seen unfit without exception, and at times the worst of our primal nature shines true by the light of a pyre burning bright what remains of the victims from the very hands fueling murder by proxy in this system of ‘kill-or-be-killed’ gone awry for too many centuries now without a thorough correction until people actually start waking up to make a serious act of direct change with respect for the environment that was Here long before we ever were… we are creatures from its womb still in a chrysalis state with the many layers of pressure just constantly building until there is no way around making the release valve out, and gassed into space from the atmospheric gloom and doom to realms of a far more superior wealth than any material coin or cup or trinket of some preposterous value, until we actually get there we have nothing but assumptions and suppositions to make in the case of personal belief sustained by will…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on December 21st, 2011 in blogging, e for Esemplasy..., my art & dreams, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.