I am a man, and my mankind is a faltering, flawed thing to see… Kinder than most raunchy assholes to be sure, but still very much a prick supreme in coldness and excess emotional distance… My nature, it seems to me, is one of a blatantly oppositional behavior unrelenting… I love people of all types, but find something to dislike in everyone almost unavoidable to keep the essence of balance… I despise my mean-spirited feeling, but find it inescapable, inviting tolerance to this particular side of myself… When I drink or otherwise become intoxicated, it almost seems to throw off those self-imposed shackles that sobriety cages these facets to my personality within, and I give all appearances to be the Hyding monster behind the skin… Not holy soulless, though, but I find it difficult at times to form compassion in these moments not nice… I find it atrocious to be this intolerable cretin, but taking deep breaths is perplexing to push the thin air through… To turn into another freak of nature, in order to be more hospitable in the presence of others, is totally against the grain of my creed to thine own self be true… Not really a personal creed as much as a good point to keep in mind… Being true to oneself is the primary concern with becoming an existent creature… Nothing ever happens for the mild-mannered that can be considered as the best result for all involved… Nothing good ever seems to come from those that don’t force their way, or so I have heard for all sources whispering into my ears… Society’s foundations are built upon a sense of inferior and superior in a competitive mode… Completely naked to the vindictive taunting of a mocking social structure… The insults rich with tales of supposed naivety… The infernal inhabitants of the dreaded projection, of thoughts and emotions that have no place inside my mind, and the inner workings of eliminations through covert machinations… The system is in place to change our minds away from harmful approaches to collaborative existence with the whole of what is around us, but the corruption is in place to weed out the viral plague that humanity offers us Here… There are no universal ways to surpass this dread of nothing coming to eat our souls, but the personal determination through a confident focus to escape the dying of the light… The cloud of negative slights and spitefulness can be the most overwhelming and enveloping attack one could perceive as real, but they have no power over you… The anger can be enough to throw somethings against a wall, but even walls collapse under dire stresses… We all are no different at times of weakness… However, the rage can be a sanctifying thing to behold if release from pain is the true desire… Life burnt out on the wire… The mad misfortunes of this existence seem futile once revealed by the tricks set against you… The safety is off when you approach the menace with fists balled up, and the pistol has a point-blank range for appeal… Let the shot ring out loud like you have never had a thing to lose… Fuck the nay-sayers and soothsayers alike as they have no sway except for the moral code which has no jurisdiction Here… I am the suspect savior of senseless sanctuary where there be no repent for the damage lent on loan for man… We are the beasts locked up in a zoo of ill repute… The gatekeepers are truly afraid for their living minds, and let the organic portals channel their impossible odds somewhere else… You don’t need to see their ghostly retreats as they disappear into the murk… You lurk on the sidelines to see where the bullet goes… You don’t need a television for this show of the strange as the animals rail against the waves… Change is coming and chaos is utterly Here… Take heed, young soul, because you will need all the energy you can conserve…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on February 26th, 2009 in c for Colluvies..., critical concepts, khet's coroner. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.