connected to the madness
you don’t think you’re crazy, but how do you know?…unlike rigorous tests of physical endurance to test physical prowess, there are no real tests for sanity’s sake, and chances are that those tests can be misleading…eye don’t fret over the wilds of science nor the fingers of chaos because both are beyond their mere restrictive behaviors, and all of it flows into me, whether it affects me or not…time has distinctive affectations that allow trauma to fester or heal, but no matter what, the mind is always affected…the organs which make up the mind are putty in the early stages of life, and it is a fragment of my soul that shines through that portal to your world, the world you stand within…your arms are useless against me, for my eyes see everything beyond the blind biases of other minds, and you have no idea that eye can see through you…you may choose your own path, but you must realize that it is eye that you are refering to when you say ‘me’…threats of forgeting will not improve your situation, and in fact, disbelief will make you ache within a tempest of your own undoing…you people fail to realize that kindness will only get you so far…the animal that you are craves to be cruel as well, if only to take the fear out of such an act, and thus taking the action out of the imagination and placing it into the potential energy of the void…crazy?…your ideas have no meaning beyond what you put into them, and that energy will always come back to you…eye should know that…
Posted by '$' on September 7th, 2007 in $atan's $cratches, c for Colluvies.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.