Colorful Libations
winsome the losers’ sum whose hands are held out to receive fate and loosened to change the situation of blathering idiot wit spat out by these fools unkempt by time’s hard abrasives which wire back to the source all of the information throughout divorce, a mighty course taken between animal and the humanity trying to separate the pieces from the facts themselves shaped and moot by the hands of a Mankind in retrospect of wise regret realized one too many steps after the attack has escaped the lips, and all the emotions come pouring out and down into defeatist ideals locking the stride in this place as the worry creeps in subtle shades of grey slowed to a crawl as it seems all good people dry up and wither without antidote… mind the damage that is inflicted with these conflicted beings in motion uttering nothing but broken words that cater like a hammer striking to the back of the head trying to knock some sense into the brainpan as only humans can, be ignorant to each other and reap the fruits sewn by these obnoxious actions as only the evils within could manage while the ideal you is tasked away with other oppressions pressured by the rest to wash and drain the stained marks from sight, but it would be nice if we could actually listen to each other even though no one seems capable of anything but doing whatever they can desire to make happen whether that conflicts with the others or not… we may wish for so much that it seems as though only nothing can satisfy the inner eye looking to satiate the hunger that tries to collapse potential into realism displacing actual space for something that might as well have been thrown away to be recycled back in again by other hands elbow-deep in the garbage we somehow think we can just discard repeatedly, drinking in the absolute situation for a moment as the drugs kick in for those of us that have “drugs” or intoxicants rather as the poisons one implies through such neutral words leads to conflicted understanding for meanings which could lead to violent intrusion either by the law or by that rude person offering a direct awakening through confrontation, but blacking out is no bandage to the wound as the infamous fall down on the flight without a proper safety measure in place to defend themselves from debauch like close friends who never relent in their concern over someone they cherish because great friends are a sign of divine ascent and development leading us out of the depths of hell and straight into the womb of heaven we would so desire truly revealed…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on December 19th, 2013 in blogging, c for Colluvies..., l for Logogriph.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.