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these effective inVectives infective…

out of Context;
‘all circumstance those viral components circulating mass proliferation of style over function anal-retainting jive coersing the group mind hive housed so discreetly in this society bugged all throughout policing ourselves all casting stigma with our eyes while marking random others to die an insular indifferent death shooting daggers with no further provocation necessary in sudden painful panics pushing buttons to twist the knives setting nervous blood to boiling points pointing out the mistakes made…’

the Verb ate hymn….

out of Context;
‘we are prodded along to cross those thresholds as master bait preceding in the come to harm that only calms after the jagged heartbeat thumping down doors to open a passageway a short silence to that next gravid moment weighty with scars to be had once the experience has died in your hands down from the initial frenzy of heat broached by the opposing stances admitting the attacks contrasted by passionate bursts…’

deja View

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‘growth on the dark side born into the bright colors of that swirling sun and this galaxy the home to so many things that range the mystic scope of reality on into the extinctual or legendary status to be remade into yet another fetus with a chance at thrusting out externally, thus forcing selected orders out of the way as slates need to be blanked before the reset or reboot can begin to impel an event horizon to dawn anew instead of this glacial pace that seems to wither patience away to anger and frustration as painful moves are made and choices are betrayed for that unhealthy practice of hoarding whatever an individual besides yourself might need or want to keep to secure one’s own contented viewpoint oblivious to a large amount of the fascism…’

you FACH so loudly

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‘as the top flows fluidly into the bottom throes of a loaded cosmic barrel without the notice of more than a few individual visions made to fit the mainstreaming as powerful functional meaning into the solid words we say so casually, i see with the eyes of god in the voice of this man within who is me trying to move so carefully amid these entrapping things that sting and burn and enmesh with reality and my perceptions of what is real, and dealing with askew a dichotomy of phobic intent searching as like a wailing banshee to free the demon quirk afflicting our sights as they meld with the rest…’


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‘like glands in thin skin sweating to expel frail feelings in the human conditioning we endure as creative killers of creatures big and small, or as these conquerors taking every opportunity to sit at the top of the heap for the briefest of moments fleeting afterward of such power vacuums within this harshly-compressed continuum expressed progress into the future through quaint frames of terminology like ‘civilization’ when the real truth is the farthest from an ideal upheld as loophole opens up from which all manner of unforeseen things crawl out as from Pandora’s box…’

Benthos and the Ablyssal Deep

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‘at the bottom of this gravity pulling us Here from a panopticon into which we do not know where what concepts like these are to represent throughout the great cosmic mystery of this holographic universe constantly working its’ magic on us all, driving some of us in the discovery of and curiosity for happiness as both a selfish image and for bettering the whole of civilization into surviving further this future than even we cannot foresee in unsure pursuit of whatever might seem special…’

Tell a Family, New clear Vision

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‘to collapse this suffocating storytelling mode… what it chokes is the brain through subtle waves penetrating no matter the membrane as outer layer to skull and bones where there is no reinforcement can be offered against these radioactive fires alight in the social darknesses to which we have all succumb, built around to watch and play witness to shows that barely interact when compounded with commercial insult to brain-damaging injury as our pineal shrinks and calcifies like the rest of us in time to our dying heartbeat…’

Ordeal Vacation

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‘the edge of all our times, superior ideas lured from statistical averages used to deepen the separation as dismissal and violence are vital in assimilating by strangulation the culture from the people who support and create all material value within as manifested from ages past and those yet to arrive by virtue of the need to survive in this vapid cruelty maintained as certainty with vicious absolutes ruling over the cowards subdued, but yielding not to honesty or love but to the harsh lines drawn out and consequences long listing the slightest infraction to chart this hellish state described as necessary struggle for which we all seem to give in something that affects our abilities as people relatively scraping by at the base line barely human being always questioning life…’

Secular Fission

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‘our dust spread over aeons to conjoin with consciousness to mutate and create new lifeforms to taste in this ever-evolving variation that does exist whether we wished for it or not… conceiving of all these devices to contain and distract the all-too menacing of qualities that reside bold within the human mind biding time until such a period where the leaking cannibal fluids will not be quelled by damn nor sudden bouts of being sorry, all these tricks are far too callous to finish off the damage done by creatures of distaste and incredulous wasted potential fisted as implement of souls’ destruction shifting the sallow and winsome weathered look blanked out after the generation becomes factual terrain to be styled, or at least thought so by the trendy wannabes who tread weakly in the shadows…’

Rank and Vile

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‘battered by defiance and demystification as an ocean of men justify their taming of this heathen deity through a definition of quirks that holds the beast to chains of thought and its perception not unlike the laws stuck in our heads… reinforcing the blame or shame or disgust at being a criminal free in a free world tamed by the screws twisted tighter to hear pitiful screams of pain all-consuming in bane of haughty misunderstanding as to cannibalize the corpse of the poor like rich rotten vultures lurking to score…’