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Myths of the Cunt Role.

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‘the time comes to shoot through to “true” enlightenment, in a way these systems are all pretty similar both because they inevitably lead to the same ends of forgetting the previous Self in anticipation of a next life whether after or otherwise makes no difference, but each argumentative viewpoint also anticipates skeptically that in this current life few things are worth the time or effort to understand by forcing one to shed the skin of the personal Self for the possessive Self in its Selfishness and reptilian potential for amassing useless crap worldwide as various perceptions of the one-percent collide creating volatile shards in this oh-so perfect place where the average person proliferates sending the confusion into many controversial directions at once… so we need a bad guy to impress us with an image of wrong…’

Return to the Psychedelic…

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‘real guidance as opposed to the shallow dance that some believe fits into an ideal shamanic stereotype, the wellspring of ideas exploited for the trivial amusement of the masses in their unaware crassness malformed by the diversity within a culture of insulting behaviors, and penetrated while sedated by that programmed glow as it projects desires and propaganda into the collective subconscious stream of mood and thought in a world where we need to realize that in civilization we are all artists in interpreting…’

As the Mirror Reflects.

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‘all modes of functional reality are the people defined as raw bytes of data by those lacking a humanity to call their own… a stupid mistake that will erase the decades of cover-ups and manipulation to promote the contrary as the opportunists flock to be flogged and tortured by their own ignorance, when one looks into the reflective face of the other it is not always guaranteed pleasantness will stare back, and in fact the complete opposite almost always holds true as the witness takes a moment to define themselves by features alone… all of them come together at this one point in time…’

Reverse the Perverse.

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‘humanity’s desire to be freed of those ego-driven chains that seem to bind the less kinky of us into screaming madness waiting to die on this odd suffering sliding chute downwards into the big empty… the cycles turn quicker as the massive mandatory act processing of the individual seems to run aground again and again in this grinder-like situation we all have been spawned to accept as given, but we are the magical magnetic creatures who can see the emotional flow inside of a soul, made to give in to the most eloquent expanding nature as it envelopes everything within it…’

Porquemada’s Revenge.

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‘the Spanish word ‘porque’ means “because” or “for” as well as being a rather creative way of saying ‘porky’ with two strong syllables instead of one, ‘poor-kay’, and the word ‘mada’ in Hindu theology/ mythology stands for “pride, stubborn-mindedness”, so it is in this way PorqueMada would mean literally “because of or for pride and stubborn-mindedness”… perhaps some more profound layers of meaning behind this ‘word’, however resides in the fact that it is a gross parody of the name ‘Torquemada’ or Tomas de Torquemada specifically…’


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‘trying to catch up with my one more snail’s pace in the coffin replacing the nails with the mucus again, there’s almost too much vital information scattered around this shit hole meant in the nicest way possible, but will there ever be any room for nicety anymore?… the shit has backed up out of the draining pores as i work to catchup with November of this year as well as all of this month friggin’ day-by-day as fast as i can get the words eating my brain to get the fuck out into open air, curses and blessings aside as this challenge has surpassed my expectations so far as i am without the breath used in keeping myself absolutely entertained what with all in the hell’s hand basket going on out there in the big bad real…’

Renunciation of the fraud.

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‘the wealth of definitions became odd fragments of glorified knowledge where only the most holy were given the rights to the sacred ideas of destiny… fate has always been a disjointed revolution of cycles as the quaking and volcanic corruptions were spoiled into blackening the atmosphere Here, each new castle built from the bones of dead stinging bits embedded in the tight stones used for the walls despotic and erotic in our new digs as merchants of the soul’s precious tissue, but we are not necessarily god’s soldiers as taught by nazi pig bastards who say they give a fuck but do not listen respectfully by the end of even a ten second statement that could corrupt the youth just as easily as any other televised lie out there…’

the Argument for Respect.

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‘concrete straight jacket restrictions implying that only a specific number of lives may ever be saved as from presupposed apocalypse death of the earth and everything on it is still as yet completely absurd and without end it seems… the slow stoned mind comes to perceive these things in ways that are distracting from the normal scope of the accepted average that finds a mantelpiece glory at the drop of a hat in the entertainment ecology blinding its denizens with such dark lights as revealed bouncing from such abyssal features reaching to cannibalize the meat of the issues surrounding our thoughts, we make ourselves empty by giving these thoughts over to the deity figured as it eats away into our field of dreams…’

Remember, remember the 5th…

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‘no one wants to hear the wrong thing come out of their mouths when it means the difference between being understood and wigging out among the morons, and sometimes we all come so close in the ways that make us rethink our own personal value while embedded in this massive thing humanity has become as the human tools get used and abused and then put away when things only stay fresh in that precious gap in present timing as the humans are possessed with a righteous urge to define themselves in glowing terms only to further profit from making even the false appropriate impression in order to cage people in their own ideals and then misuse the hypocritical knife’s edge for personal gain, what else does politics have to offer anyone except a misuse of power…’

Revive the pirate utopias.

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‘in the middle of fascist extremes burning with a feared and gory staked claim upon a nightmare conscious of what it can do to Man through his dreams of horrible profit and grandiose vibrations toward power, and calling for the inferior to give everything to the feet of their new master who could kill them whenever he chooses to kill those who especially participate in what he chooses to call the system… ‘government’, that grinding machine that chews down the tissue and marrow into sizes that fit as well with the outrage as the degree of disgust that this supposedly optimal system plays against to further the overall atmosphere of frustrations that make their appearance known so easily, but questions of whether this dirty beast will go away or be tamed by the reasoned and logical…’