quote o’ the month – Page 14 – All The Wrong Topics dot com

Quote of the Month; July – 2012.

“i am awake only in what i love & desire to the point of terror — everything else is just shrouded furniture, quotidian anaesthesia, shit-for-brains, sub-reptilian ennui of totalitarian regimes, banal censorship & useless pain …”
~Hakim Bey (Peter Lamborn Wilson); american anarchist author and poet.

Quote of the Month; June – 2012.

“Revolution is not something fixed in ideology, nor is it something fashioned to a particular decade. It is a perpetual process embedded in the human spirit.”
~Abbie Hoffman; american author, political and social activist.

Quote of the Month; May – 2012.

“I would sum up my fear about the future in one word: boring. And that’s my one fear: that everything has happened; nothing exciting or new or interesting is ever going to happen again… the future is just going to be a vast, conforming suburb of the soul.”
~J G Ballard; british science fiction author.

Quote of the Month; April – 2012.

“I’m full of fears and I do my best to avoid difficulties and any kind of complications. I like everything around me to be clear as crystal and completely calm.”
~Alfred Hitchcock; british producer, screenwriter and director.

Quote of the Month; March – 2012.

“Americans will listen, but they do not care to read. ‘War and Peace’ must wait for the leisure of retirement, which never really comes: meanwhile it helps to furnish the living room.”
~Anthony Burgess; british author and composer.

Quote of the Month; February – 2012.

“Love is the expression of one’s values, the greatest reward you can earn for the moral qualities you have achieved in your character and person, the emotional price paid by one man for the joy he receives from the virtues of another.”
~Ayn Rand; russo-american author and philosopher.

Quote of the Month; January – 2012.

“We’re not keen on the idea of the story sharing its valence with the reader. But the reader’s own life outside the story changes the story.”
~David Foster Wallace; american author and satirist.

Quote of the Month; December…2011

“I think the function of suffering is to let me know that my perception is skewed; what I’m doing is judging natural events in such a way that I am creating suffering within myself. For instance, you have pain over certain conditions, certain situations that occur. And if you just say ‘ok, here I am, I’m going to experience the pain,’ you don’t suffer. The resistance and the degree of the resistance to the natural phenomenon of life causes tremendous suffering.”
~Hubert Selby Jr.; american author.

Quote of the Month; November…2011

“If you think of yourselves as helpless and ineffectual, it is certain that you will create a despotic government to be your master. The wise despot, therefore, maintains among his subjects a popular sense that they are helpless and ineffectual.”
~Frank Herbert; american author.

Quote of the Month; October…2011

“Evil is the product of the ability of humans to make abstract that which is concrete.”
~Jean-Paul Sartre; french author and philosopher.