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…poetic error dares Truth socially…

out of Context – ‘…conduits of myth communications trial and tribulation outsourced from larval layers unable to commune directly because of these strange intrinsic meanings with simple symbolism satisfying favored irregular mutations deep in memory patterns tending toward personal masks the kinds of social camouflage corresponding outward to our animal cousins imprinted by retained mention effectively digging into nature that allows for such without wasted moments and nothing to lose unlike our humanity lacking respect for the many things that can kill us pathogenic suspect whose silence stays relevant lingering through naturally recurring systemic golden ratios fluctuations sending out signals Here universal vibrations, tempering materials in this furnace as inspiration setting about to rekindle fiery excitation reiterated with curious sentiment weighing in what hope can be culled…’

…wHine diamonds…

out of Context – ‘…damaging through worded manipulation provoke cautious exhaustion weaving deftly between moments cluttered and flustering solitary cuckolds using technology to appease their bodies signals expressing carnal lust stemming from unsatisfactory straight out of the sadist factory indeed each one of us a variation on forms shaped by warping the unseen with invisible hands until the ideal somehow functions within the material source distanced away as tartarian emetic myth acidic strangers being trained becoming stranger, looping re-calibration sometimes synchronized with succumbing to numbing agents to some degree repurpose of empty platitudes and promises revived to give meaning to conspiracies replacing the cold sauce of tartars with the hot sauce of barbarism instead slithering back to human sacrifices appeasing the gods in question such heaven erazed by those villains…’

…hell is people in General…

‘…torment distinctly expressed as fantastic riddles synchronous with all the various phrases for the catechumen questions of life to a catechist acting as catalyst to initiation atomized and condensed down to essential oils with which we anoint ourselves in the passion thus released by the freeing our spirits… but not all teachings are squeaky clean instead not being for the squeamish characterize the bad things occurring most frequently as ways to traumatize youth via arcane rites of passage whose grotesque practices yield ghastly yet offensive outcomes figured then as predictable for resulting in the personal choice of abstinental orthodox preaching on upon god luck and good speed handed out as communion to initialize radioactive retrospecting mind virus wiping us pure from the mind side out keyed to comfort zones in our brains like switches attached…’ – out of Context

…prurient subLemon…

out of Context – ‘…degenerate mockery goes for normal these days trying to find fitting artwork to indulge in affairs of perspective somewhere Here styles of realism versus imagination and where the divergent points intersect all throughout the interpretative minds of artists to create such works that intrigue us more than as memories from some distant dream fighting with the thing inside ourselves that wants to enact motions of dreaming while awake and seeing substance manifest or that elusive potential in attempt at tempting reward to value ourselves with as well as others in this biased expression of leadership fraught perilous, continually renewed shaping a bit more each go around in social orbit of the fringe crowd cringing in grief ripe slaves to habitual rituals that succeed through their sacrificial sacraments suspending the critical disbelief…’

…a greed in content, Oh-my…

out of Context – ‘…let loose into strange worlds of potential interpretation critical in affecting ideas as crops to harvest are yielded once the time comes and perhaps wrong is perceived as less wicked and interdependently incorporates into whatever the further process of this humanity is Here finding small strands of absolutes not truth conjoined loose to thread together healing the cosmic tapestry that created us and our little worldviews to move, data in jigsaw patterns of puzzle confusing sets of exclusive content from genuine reality closed captured for the hero impaired where villainy is rife in this berg becoming burger devoured by masses of hungry denizens ready to lay eggs en masse so rapacious in this natural order forcing others out of the way top breaking the other over under doesn’t matter when the stakes are so high…’

…closed Captured…

‘…exchanging place with each other in order to maintain balancing acts Here as forces made into faceless gods and angels whose angles are labeled as directives holier than thou types of imperious commandment found conquering… disconcerting consequences when all else fails to register some amounts of pausing cautious hesitancy is required though in order to formulate worthwhile tactics against these kinds of encountered tendencies expecting no relief when the strain of sequence goes awry askew and ill-defined by the conduits of information relay somewhere there is a weakest link in the chain of command not necessarily in amongst many legions proving their loyalty Here all vying for dominance in old world honor code bullshit expected out of cannon fodder and human shields objectifying any living thing to be used as pawns in obnoxious war games…’ – out of Context

…awphul waphle…

out of Context – ‘…upon them yielding only rotten fruit and shit along with whatever shinola it rode in on because such abuse is fertilizer for another imagination that can utilize properly and harness the seriousness which unleashes the skills required to succeed harsh reality somehow bared whose crevices are carved away by time and the elemental pressures that erode these things down to their constituent parts to further fix the mechanistic errors prevalent all throughout this strangely social complexity wired all or nothing, it sometimes eradicating whenever no truer purpose evolving beyond its natural tethers to establish cosmic harmony as was ever always one of the many possible outcomes capable Here for all constructive generation of terrestrial cosmonauts yet to be present except for some forces which attempt to constrain the sorts of motion we intrigue others with…’

…lucid producing Juices…

out of Context – ‘…apparent by our various tweaks glitches and secretions shunned for their messy antics spreading wide the lips of epoch-inducing information as training data culled from various sources subdivided into ages where sound changes in iterative machine learning algorithms becomes normal versus when we required mechanics to sacrifice their lives that secures luxury, spanning long until technology through many models of analysis upgrades in order to turn ideas beyond wildest imagining to churn it into artifacts of modern assisted production streamlined to be smooth and efficient mechanisms barely needing little more than routine persons to perform maintenance at intervals timed before things would plausibly bottom out into dysfunction and productive finality waiting for the dust to settle Here as time passes and the prior marvels of the past become obsolete and forgotten…’

…spongecake squareDance…

‘…stage reached by all as dancers is called mainstream once everyone is squared up and ready to jive this social macabre frenzy loose grabbing partners the wrong way around aching to dance like the rest of those lunatic squares dancing in exotic locales romanticizing the past in its livid archaic bliss of ignorance promoting elder culture ideas when the mystery shrouds all our years of youth to one day be adopted by the hedge maze grave amnesia wandering unleashed and drifting as ghostly remnant amidst the renaissance of resistance or renaissistance that we are currently electrified to live, decadent through deprivation within broad auspices of modernity and their nemeses acting as competitive enemies by written words alone shaping our needs for us extensively offensive message Here the echoes from a distant past resisting personal freedom…’ – out of Context

…Repugnant self, a basement…

out of Context – ‘..for the conceptual perfection, unique civilized take generally idolizing people speaking on matters one has no prior knowledge forcing reliance upon improvisations to adequately complete the narrative everyone wants to be true for themselves lodged Here in the nitty-gritty that reality proffers equally to everyone accumulating clutter specific to this continuum comprised of consumers consummating their obsessive relationship to their goods rather than facing their gods with confidence of overcoming the odds stacked up against us resonating with underdog fashion one-in-a-million lottery whose bread and circus stakes are high and clustered together then depressive downward swing adapting if no one pays any real attention, circumstances as glimmers of hope gone now milky and matted sheen as the eye who cannot see gone cataract uncorrected guinea pig self experiment…’