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‘…spent on constructive criticism not destructive conducting symphonies of crass observation and calling it insightful is preposterous dreck from the mouths of lost babes bewildering those not professionally-trained to manage Here the more remote places caught where civilization doesn’t touch because literal dangers lurk trapped in the woods trying to eat you and digest the rest in the gut slowly churning dissolving worms before loosed underneath spilling bilious mass attaching at the roots bloody roots as the rest of this body conforms and conjoins to express itself through our personality walking in and out, modes of safest communication betrayed us submitting our civilization to villains Here trying to play the hero though failing miserably enough to spread the disease around having to deal with their decrepit deceit design and retreat into themselves helpless…’ – out of Context

…spatter day sAints…

out of Context – ‘…interpreting the pathways to their prey through business as usual Here psychopaths sainted and satisfied with themselves acting similar enough to carnivore fish meriting the statement high praise in fact because of how we all wish to be bad asses while refusing to admit that anger unbridled can become a deadly though unwieldy weapon words with lethal accuracy upon emotions no matter how clustered and insensitive the assault mocking the response one receives because only violence knows violence to the blunt force trauma extent leaving bad impressions purposefully damaging thoughts thrust on someone else, the object of affection subdued and affected by the hate speak speaking our language clashing with crazed hackles rising when someone unsympathetic gets it wrong interpreting things hollow and caustic rapid rippling efforts made impotent and reversed in meaning…’

…lost At scene…

out of Context – ‘…executing frenzied still tortuous extractions activated though we can never unsee threats compelled by the sights witnessed to endure haphazardly innocent as ignorant to these things that surround us enmeshing our energies and presence with static analysis of details cataloging and containing the catalytic controversies, Here causing such moments of agony in contrast as ecstasy reduced to contentment in such a critical age that excellence cannot be registered as it once was so effectively with mere technically descriptive accounts in writing laying claim to our thoughts digesting the thinking works of others prior to our compartmental genetic process imparting to parents the gift of children in order to keep the seeds flourishing upon such heathen earth local gods shall reign supreme again in that overwhelming fear made literal…’

…drinking up the Cruel tea…

‘…sides to our features creating monsters from gods once praised before their madness inflicted its infections upon all shapes and sizes in varying states of maturity, no one left out of these natural cycles ostracized when seized by the moment contrasted against others faith keeping them composed and collected though calm is another issue entirely when no one knows what state the cat is in as long as it stays in the bag choking hazardous fears caught in our throats aligning central to losing control and getting nowhere wheeling and dealing to survive by bargaining with entities one cannot see but must believe to perceive in an ocean of lies that show we all float down Here tethered to life and death scarring our discontented minds, apprentice wreaking of havoc spinning bullshit in china shops…’ – out of Context

…semet Ipse…

out of Context – ‘…if agreed sequence of events disallow it, Here few clues are left that have not been presumed interpretative dances to be used for other interests spun out of control just enough to disrupt the flow of energy always collecting charges fetish sized for ease of ingesting personal indiscretion absorbed into routine now though where they go we never know until we do that those first approaches are done one has to climb or crawl to absolve the compromises that have people staying attached in toxic ways to radioactive intensity cleaving off the surface tendencies to breathe autonomic gasps of stifling sterile air no matter how error proof, feeling that how dare we should be Here if we cannot do what personally feels right to us though this solipsistic snare is set in youth and fails…’

…to what fLuxury is this…

‘…harnessed for energy covertly replacing the horsepower guided into place by pressure of your peers scat singing our way through liminal eschatology whose escalation as wielded into tools of ethnomethodology versus sociology, we are not worthy in our secreted excretions seized pleasingly sized to objectify as fetish holding certain mojo about it symbolic of particular peculiar sensitivities some would call mystical in this essence heaven’s lobotomy preaching at us how to live properly via interpretive temporal advocates playing devils wishing to be redeemed by whatever savior we have for the time being justifying our maleficent influences creating tensions between people as though social constructs to be toyed with in sights solipsistic amounting to who we decide to listen to with undivided attention accounting for little as pity party wallowing in psychic wounds…’ – out of Context

…what means to Draculogize…

out of Context – ‘…fangs sunk knee deep into whatever this desert of the real for creatures of the wheel happens to actually be as we begin this life to some as pets attempting to learn more than they should after certain ages are reached living aspects keeping us from knowledge and experience is something asserted to try and define discipline of self somewhat better than when last we caught up with our miscible collections of personal heroes, or villains whichever the case may be whom are ready to act as archetypes initiating one into the practice of mystic rites to mythic deities searching for personal forms of divinity Here upon the heathen earth constantly recycling soil dirty with our worth grown from being torn from either natural plant or animal parameters to become and evolve as conscious creatures…’

…Mogwai or the highway…

‘…though through distant fogs preventing us from being able to see more clearly as instances appear that any closeness to the name of death is difficult truth to confront especially when kicking and screaming for help and life revived somehow more genuine than our previous miscarriages of justice to others undeserving of abuse or punishment even as we occasionally coerce each other into doing stupid upset things whose snares serve the undeniably serious purpose of each instrumental lesson in gravity annihilating those unwary hopefully with painless celerity dissected, to which we cannot provide proof of assurance that we will survive this ride complete or in charge while having to submit to bringing ourselves for self-inspection through circumlocution to sell using that what seems authentic yet is mere gobbledygook taken shape and bought by bewildered masses…’ – out of Context

…lost whirled within tSundoku…

‘…gestures to propose new strands of light tied together bridging gaps with conveying of signals whose goals stay reciprocal as long inconceivable pressures hold us in place with the threat of things falling apart at a rapid pace as the momentum goes into overdrive once the first domino falls igniting chaos at the soonest opportunity gathering godspeeds turmoil instantaneously of weakened mental states unleashed by exploding back to simple worlds spiraling out of conscious command whirling as bedeviled dervish whose dance orbits the brightest thing to blind us we have ever seen, all these things and more harnessed with words to justify means by translating those hidden pieces of similarity and difference through near-universal contextual clues that some take sadistic pleasure in making games of communication by prolonging the curiosity of others until upset…’ – out of Context

…Vomiting out antagonism…

‘…when things go our way blindsided to suddenly see for ourselves decrepitude behind whatever masks conceal the individual truths bent to human will masquerading as manifest destiny localized so finite as to be imperceptible with naked eyes witnessing the atrocity and havoc occurring damaged collateral include manipulation to take as much advantage as possible draining vital resources from others justified through monied powers washing their hands clean utilizing outside forces pent up and trained to reign hell over their targets under extreme prejudice and discrimination when we are the enemies Here, ourselves forced into harm to savor the sadism present in our simplest actions methodically mutating what we cannot believe as real or our fault taking responsibility to make sense of situations finding reasons to accept some renaissance of resistance serving itself…’ – out of Context