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‘…beyond the shit storm that rumbles and whines as any other atmospheric conjunction Here, fatal flaws lorded over by rulers in the shape of ships as some coveted treasure perhaps all to create a new lure of mystery to captivate those who might want a piece of the perilous bounty that comes with radical thinking moving rocky thoughts around with the same sensation as the flailing sea that those collective vessels set out in search of something more than what was there whether undiscovered lands and people or experiencing the voyage itself while taking notes that be useful to further novel generations beset by a wanderlust that can never be impeded once it starts to take us in new directions than any prior explorations… a voice calling for retribution…’ – out of Context


out of Context – ‘…criticisms out of people who do not and will not know any better than the exaltation of the unknown to greater heights than previously fathomed because of us being such complex larval creatures as our minds can drive us to contemplate what this means but often find ourselves distracted to the point of failure in what we choose to pursue, as though nothing could ever be any different than that force for success shifting down a gear fomenting stress upon a most elementary layer of struggle keeping us all in check on task even when realizing we know nothing else beyond some organic masquerade of adventure barely scratching the surface among the more gruesome features as self-doubt lingers its fingers over where the skin breaks easily to the touch of this madness spurring desperation Here…’


‘…what we call good and evil as labels designated by a creator to install rules within this operating system as long as it remains in charge, cursed with blessings that may not work as charms against the compulsory service we seem automatically signed up for because our beliefs are no match for the overwhelming state of affairs that subsumes our worldwide community wholly isolated by of course some authority who is of the opinion that they speak for a greater good than that which would try to hold our hands as children to guide us through the perils natural to a path chosen and to teach us what cannot be learned without making mistakes that tempt fate to disintegrate what does not add up to expectations, to extricate this deliberate crutch as pseudo-spiritual aspect…’ – out of Context


out of Context – ‘…caught in the immediate heats of passion only quelled by blood and sacrifice almost as if always on a battleground of one sort or another on the lookout for any enemy supposed as we are so predisposed to violence deep in the elemental animal cage beats a fist-sized muscle that never relents to the point of harming its live-in caretaker so easily it is truly scary and confusing to think who we really pledge any allegiance toward to guide the civilized mediocrity into states of resolution not revolution as peace must come from somewhere there beats a heart, instead of this gaseous claim that bears no weight merely the stink of frustrating others away from sheer incompetence where only demons and great people are to tread with any success no matter the reputation…’


‘…as patterns to be digested by those choosing to read deeper than face value as counterpoint to covering of the books being falsely interpreted as devoid of knowledge when we all know by now that there is so much to absorb from end to end that it is never an easy task to quantify the already dense information into an easier series of symbols whose context one must compare and contrast relevant pieces to each other especially when solving a particularly impressive query, we use our discovered methods of reasoning and imagination to compel something to the surface sometimes without realizing until later what we have brought to seethe from the beneath where our shadows hide until such a time as is required…’ – out of Context


out of Context – ‘…to crack the skies fighting against all variables in some way shape or fashion that embeds itself in the meaning we maintain Here, when there being sound of obtuse warning drifts to settle between the ears even though there is little to nothing to show as evidence of this inherent variation implied as a gathering of sorts that one cannot house all inside of a singular mind that has difficulty contemplating the all and everything that keeps us locked in awe until we are shocked loose by the attitudes of those around us either giving their support to receive support or further deciding to be critical and dismissive shutting down hope of something else for more of the same…’

…Gifts ov thee Offal Dead…

‘…ideas our dead have left as lessons not all will share though many will feel the sway of these pendulous cosmic ghosts as they surround and settle our world in a drama of dust no amount of power vacuums will ever get cleaned out of this rancid source of historic hysteria, unbearable looking a gift horse in the mouth of madness because it is forever in there as other authors knew before taking the jaunt into the same void that stares back realizing the darkness within that will never see the light of day whose only exception could be the artificial lamplight of the morgue as masked attendants then preparing your body for autopsy perhaps a neutral sterile stinking before opening up the corpse with a muted question of Y lying prone…’ – out of Context

…subjunctive of Moods…

out of Context – ‘…irrealis moods manipulative and often mismanaged by human hands and minds as they try to interrelate with each other Here tasked to do some of the most basic of actions quite repetitively over time in many places as required by necessity straining the effective results every time ratcheting up the possibility for failure in this world as often trapped by our own internal dealings and bargains made over the course of a lifetime attempted to be lived to some fullest extent given though trying not to take for granted the subtleties overlooked while succumbing to an immediacy in everything, perhaps through words finding safety even though the struggle is real over what meaning can be derived and arrived at safely within this stirring echo chamber as it swirls us into submission easily…’

…a Disservice to society…

‘…to achieve some value amongst the valves in place to ventilate the biological concrete machine at various intervals to release the pressures that can build into visions destructive enough to curse the very ground we walk upon casually curious what this world is about and the many systems within it, treading the thread unwoven until we step upon its lengths bending waves and collapsing function into those things known by instinct as reflex memory cumulative effect gone laxative in order to release vital data enlisting people to compile by admission of a guilt like any of us are culpable to allowing to be true or become truth via a collusion of belief turned into spiritual if not contextual concrete or quicksand holding us in no matter how much we fought the laws turned against us…’ – out of Context

…Angstgiving 2023…

out of Context – ‘…they threaten to help us guilt ourselves into thinking horrible things as they get passed onto others this way the familial duels that take the place of compassion where it started because these personalities of ours are so much larger than life for some who don’t realize what social compression to this magnitude truly means for this ballooning society inches from a sharp dark edge to that chasm of which there is no bottom, the unholy charge takes form soon after we are affected by horrors of seasonal change making some of us depressed as a side effective disorder to the tension Here placed upon all of our heads collectively succumbing to the dumbest conspiracies ever seen while all set to share with the very people who really couldn’t care less…’