‘…what it does to hasten on ways that will come next to subversively pollinate the overlapping realms where these powers that be hold sway over beast and plant alike no matter an amount of resistance displaced by the beings who think they are in charge of this space as holding in our hands those wishes and shit produced balancing an abstract scale of equal weight mythic poetry trying to seek of others some kind of equality between concepts and their conveyance among people who contain differing rhythms of interpretation to allow for alternate sequences with consequential patterns tangling altogether without a pause of mercy, a lost nomad thirsty in the desert of the real becoming really reflective of human cruelty as it seizes us in crisis without a solution of immediate relief…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…using humans to do the dirty work Here, moon children chaos born as those who walk behind the rows searching for righteous integrity that will not leave us abandoned by the forces of whimsy as that which happens when lurching like a heartbeat figures of authority hold less weight because of their broken corrupted or lack of moral compass inside of their chests and leaning into directly chosen sequences of constrictive intents affecting others through attempts at domination boiling beyond restraint circulating in fits of impulse that tragically submits one to dreaded cognizant dissonance gnawing as erosion at one’s soul… assurance of life and living as livelihood compelling the naive americans to penetrate the unknown to the point of a visceral clarity one cannot make unseen…’
‘…of all creatures in this vast cosmos without error or regrets in the forward motion wanted so desperately to progress and not to be ingested as any other raw statistic valued upon the faces only as testament to audacity of austerity gone astray by ways and means through concepts and dream to the artifice of the physical that calls to us through to a subliminal signal we cannot wholly complete as coping mechanism with submission as an appeasement in paying homage to the cretinous heathens we may perceive ourselves as being without forgiveness as a factor of intent Here, witnesses to that clarity which sits oblivious to the fates of humanity searching only to abstract some relevant energies from the people who remain tethered to this realm of pain fueled by interconnected systems…’ – out of Context
‘…anything within the everything sits and awaits to be fully created as perfection when viewed through the mind’s eye searching for clarity in order to understand what is shaping this realm and all denizens inside of it triggering emotional and mental quakes as various social traits interlock destroying what tethers we have already set into motion the seeker and their objectives going the limit for what they pursue as interest wanes and motivation ebbs we find shelter amidst electric circuits currently shocking to life the ideas that seem as the dreams that open us to new plateaus unheard of before this dimensional warp and weft weaving together the disparate elements, synchronization of the anachronistic sensibilities encircling our regurgitated thoughts as they spill upon the page…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…what wicked things have expected to be catered to Here even if no one really cares for the person in question whose viewpoints might ring with insight but leaves one horribly drained merely letting their loquacious behaviors get obnoxious enough to fit underneath the skin we wear that annoyance at the very lest is inevitable Here, especially when resisting this simple mind trick gets old time and again expecting the attacks that intermittently keep us on our toes walking on eggshells and our mouths shut when trying to be covert about compromising situations in re-calibrated core defects subtly undetermined out of regard for human fragility as though only the strongest can survive these mutations as we each wear our flaws on our skinned sleeves and knees as much our heart who bares out the beating…’
‘…offset by the brutality we are more than capable of contrasted with understanding the shining light that is utilized to sunder the darkness incorporating the diverse components evoking this sensitive realm into existence while overlapping extremes vie for dominance disproportionately fashioned as weaponized covert tactics to counteract as ominous dark clouds to be busted by righteous intentions we would hope in order for some equity or balance to be maintained above all things material and otherwise that ebb and flow through the years we attempt to attest to a willingness of spirit that cannot be tamed wholly by outside forces… annoying byproducts of the systems that take advantage of participants usually without compensation…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…wave after wave of generation collapsed into being Here defined by their existence and a resistance to struggle that catches us off-guard at many points within one’s own lifetime without shrugging off responsibility necessary in order to share in any of the fun or grief that this world holds onto for us whether we like it or not, the mission is not the same as the purpose a meaning not necessarily the same as the definition not as long as we are a system of variables in motion tempted toward paths whose outcome remains somewhat uncertain even when following instructions on appropriate direction asserted as truth in order to compete with the rest of the massive attack attempting their best to flow with a rhythm of being…’
‘…beyond the shit storm that rumbles and whines as any other atmospheric conjunction Here, fatal flaws lorded over by rulers in the shape of ships as some coveted treasure perhaps all to create a new lure of mystery to captivate those who might want a piece of the perilous bounty that comes with radical thinking moving rocky thoughts around with the same sensation as the flailing sea that those collective vessels set out in search of something more than what was there whether undiscovered lands and people or experiencing the voyage itself while taking notes that be useful to further novel generations beset by a wanderlust that can never be impeded once it starts to take us in new directions than any prior explorations… a voice calling for retribution…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…criticisms out of people who do not and will not know any better than the exaltation of the unknown to greater heights than previously fathomed because of us being such complex larval creatures as our minds can drive us to contemplate what this means but often find ourselves distracted to the point of failure in what we choose to pursue, as though nothing could ever be any different than that force for success shifting down a gear fomenting stress upon a most elementary layer of struggle keeping us all in check on task even when realizing we know nothing else beyond some organic masquerade of adventure barely scratching the surface among the more gruesome features as self-doubt lingers its fingers over where the skin breaks easily to the touch of this madness spurring desperation Here…’
‘…what we call good and evil as labels designated by a creator to install rules within this operating system as long as it remains in charge, cursed with blessings that may not work as charms against the compulsory service we seem automatically signed up for because our beliefs are no match for the overwhelming state of affairs that subsumes our worldwide community wholly isolated by of course some authority who is of the opinion that they speak for a greater good than that which would try to hold our hands as children to guide us through the perils natural to a path chosen and to teach us what cannot be learned without making mistakes that tempt fate to disintegrate what does not add up to expectations, to extricate this deliberate crutch as pseudo-spiritual aspect…’ – out of Context