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Empty of a Delicate Psycho.

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‘ulterior motive for Manmade distortion of humanity’s educational necessities as the human being grows to choose rebellion as one’s chains become bound over time at once disguised as one’s obligations to the greater good, while also being all sneaky up around sneaky-ville which in hindsight is bound to occur as the priests molest the children so too do the laws molest their citizens who live by them… a vicious merry-go-frown where no one survives, this is the spiritually mechanical urge that perhaps defines itself as eternal judge even as it chooses to live and be realized through us as humanity’s touch creates the laws to break its own personal rules and familial stakes and claims laid to waste, but the symbol of space migration while ideas of integrating humanity leaves the jungle behind along with the animal-like…’

Return to the Psychedelic…

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‘real guidance as opposed to the shallow dance that some believe fits into an ideal shamanic stereotype, the wellspring of ideas exploited for the trivial amusement of the masses in their unaware crassness malformed by the diversity within a culture of insulting behaviors, and penetrated while sedated by that programmed glow as it projects desires and propaganda into the collective subconscious stream of mood and thought in a world where we need to realize that in civilization we are all artists in interpreting…’

Reverse the Perverse.

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‘humanity’s desire to be freed of those ego-driven chains that seem to bind the less kinky of us into screaming madness waiting to die on this odd suffering sliding chute downwards into the big empty… the cycles turn quicker as the massive mandatory act processing of the individual seems to run aground again and again in this grinder-like situation we all have been spawned to accept as given, but we are the magical magnetic creatures who can see the emotional flow inside of a soul, made to give in to the most eloquent expanding nature as it envelopes everything within it…’

Playing Games of Negentropy.

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‘nobody ever feels as though they are on the same page as the rest of this humanity, but the paranoid and tinted blinders do not have to last even this brief lifetime witnessed as a forever perhaps if only from our situationist roots as beings stuck in gilded scenes that try in vain to repress the acceptance of one’s roles within the grand theater of the absurd abstracted to burn the flagging will of individual in light of the pack mentality… to whom should i give my excess baggage to?… the stink of the ribald humors drifting under the nose of the indifferent sloven beast who cares not for the destiny of compassion among friends, the civilized demeanor among enemies who hear the voices of hatred…’

Survival of the Phattest.

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‘reassembled Here in the nexus of consequence managing the human theater of interaction that alternately kills us and raises our perspective high as made through assessments of the sense so-called ‘feeling’ by the spent spermatozoa at our feet as the ages still wear on with the grandiose grindstone in the sky wearing things sharp and angular with gravitas as to show how serious this whole thing is for all of us to understand clearly… when we cannot find the words, we become lost within this mental sea of confusion layered with various language choices acting as empires from which to create the manned empirical studies we take for granted in this civilized deception, the ides of starch have stiffened our lips into silence over the everyday atrocities…’


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‘perpetrated by the humans who have started considering themselves “saints” which is really not a part of the human scale of progress at all… the plants inhabit a kingdom just on the outside of spiritual perception for most of us, disguised in myriads of subtle forms that appear perfectly harmless to a casual physical inhabitant of this world, but still other arrangements of plant life fill in the gaps where non-ordinary states of consciousness are necessary to function beyond a certain block in advancing the wisdom through into this incarnated form…’

Porquemada’s Revenge.

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‘the Spanish word ‘porque’ means “because” or “for” as well as being a rather creative way of saying ‘porky’ with two strong syllables instead of one, ‘poor-kay’, and the word ‘mada’ in Hindu theology/ mythology stands for “pride, stubborn-mindedness”, so it is in this way PorqueMada would mean literally “because of or for pride and stubborn-mindedness”… perhaps some more profound layers of meaning behind this ‘word’, however resides in the fact that it is a gross parody of the name ‘Torquemada’ or Tomas de Torquemada specifically…’

Poop to the nth degree.

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‘we so easily see what is NOT the case because parts of our perspective do not want truth revealed by our own sole perceptions to be understood by us, this means that we have millions of our lives inside of us combining to make these dreams real through all the odd detailed notes recalled in ages out of time as once the moment has passed it will linger, but remains outside time to be touched only by the fingers of consciousness and memory… finding oneself out of touch without a strong memory to turn to for aid when trying to process things connecting thoughts with action and back again…’

Polemic of the novice.

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‘it is us that see them as it is they that see us so clearly and yet so distinctly alien as we touch another realm of time set in existence where there were few things that went as expected in the greater whole that we know in the Now that we summon from nothing, the parts are all Here just floating and streaming through our heads in holographic fragments waiting for us to get a clue into tapping our personal threads of Self to unify as opposed to nullify the threshold of destiny in overprotective and zealous acts…’

to the People’s mic.

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‘society has taken its people for granted in a way that for so long has drained the spirit out of unity out of us by making us live by models proven wrong time and again… even as you think you can just sit by and witness like the regular television spectator so insidiously and subtly implanted by the system, you must realize that it is from my perspective that you are speaking now as you hear my words, but this must teach you to think about what you are hearing and must pull into focus how true these ideas are for you as individuals… very few have become “successful” in the structure without some thought put into the understanding of what they pursue…’