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Ennui & the Piss injures

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‘whether you realize it or not humanity does not exist at the point of a sword demanding the victim to yield by force, but this cannot lead to a valuable outcome as those odd officials we have already seen on the latest news programs can attest to scandal in the midst of service to others as the more selfish and unavoidably sour in this culture choose to maniacally subvert positive attention to exalt the extreme negative as a secret authority masked from people they are chosen to convince they serve at all costs… casualties of the violent wages paid by all who were drafted to play in the last war to be revealed in this way as the figureheads have fallen after the fact of their utility has passed and so trust cannot be manufactured…’

Metafiction as Parable

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‘minus the data of a misinformation wave that leaks into our modern age of almost total technological assimilation subsuming the casual human in all their luxury into the meat of the system merely by the interactivity central to this our storming force pushing into the digital, where this everything takes on a novel appearance to those novice to the digital world set in motion and constantly moving even in those long gaps of time that we seem to inhabit fully as the animal of humanity soon becoming aware…’

the Immaculate Perception

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‘these disastrous desires as a concentrated conscience bears the burden recalled of now as discipline, the magician’s wand as fisted phallic symbol waving ‘abracadabra’ all over those magical things creating offshoots with some unique signature partially aware of the service for which they are conceived as to the burden of waste placed upon the rest of a wasted negative age washed away by corrosive behaviors surging forward into the darkness to try understanding why it is there to begin with, but soon even these ideal goals are to be cast aside in the cold and brilliant analytic lights as senses…’

Garage Psychonauts and Common Philosophers

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‘the spiritual essence that gives us the i-don’t-know-what to achieve these grand heights to which we have become accustomed and taken as granted, in this strange conundrum of feats and defeats outweighing those true opinions we have for ourselves unless otherwise prevented on the individual level where others decide our idea of fate and destiny to which we may eventually fall prey to machinations or plots that portray us in as socially unflattering a light without the simple courtesy for our basic knowledge, and from the outside we all appear as mechanical animals to a robotic extreme unkind to the idea of human error because to justify one vile act is to excuse others…’

Desultory ProLifeRationale

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‘glories subjectively perceived one mind’s eye at a time in random sequential orders to proceed or be one of the terminated, executed, or further translated into the underlying programming we still strive to understand in our quaint human way of opinions that truly individuates us from any other creature on the planet left wondering what else is there out Here whether tranquil wilderness or violent caustic vibrations that leap and electrify the lust and animated detail for disgusted laughter shared between the fluctuating particulars of human existence most peculiar indeed… launched into the wide unknown…’

Life as a Plague of Games

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‘the real heretics are the ones who refuse to see and stay open to the active truth that does not stay idle while others allow their minds to stagnate and dry to the traditional excrement they have been fed for ages since calamity was a vital motivation on someone’s score board, though the games are now convoluted in their rules and regulations defining the space of the gameplay as it requires players to adapt to the system as it stands to work within it as it might distract one away from reality whatever it may be other than actually sitting off to the side trying to hide the relevant facts from the rest of the tribe, and trying to isolate those who take sides by deciding to become the villains…’

Chuck Palahniuk

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‘i became another lunatic like the rest… even though no one really noticed this change but me as the alcohol worked its way into my system without any more register than the tossing back of this poisonous urge as the surge of human debris swirls tighter, pressed like ritual slayings in other countries to happen because of this distinctive lack of compassion which leads us all further down the rabbit hole that society seems impressed to keep taking as route to some kind of oblivion chilling at the doorstep…’

a Disposable Palate

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‘the inhumane brutes at the doors of perception trying to take away your dreams again, but really these beasts are using words spoken aloud like daggers to be turned once they are sunk deep into the backside of your mind again and again on repeat to operate on the subtle wavelength that drains the color off your faces to be replaced with a viral conformity that takes pity on none because we all stem from the gutter, though this is not what it is we are made to think as we “grow” in a system that stinks of the garbage and lies that people use against each other every day as more distraction to throw between yourself and the others…’

Punching at ghosts.

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‘all matters before leaving this stasis… as we scratch and claw our way clinging to the past with no lens of remorse for what has had to be done in order to get where we are standing now cursed and morally responsible for the current state of reality, digging in those sharp spurs of cowboy wild righteous ignorance that occurred to make sense out of the wildernesses left set on slow decay as a world yearning for some ironed-out contract of absolutes in as fetishistic a practice for the businessman culture burning the midnight oil at both ends…’

Duke Cocky…

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‘the hammering of gods inside our heads won’t relent on the progress that sketches itself out as it surges forward to hit all the relevant points in forging the correction necessary to put others in their place… the fascist ones we are working against are reflecting the same energy that lifts and can make of the unsound whatever creatures we claim ourselves to be as a stalking and lethal movement takes over the minds of the serious and static who hold to killing, that urge to push the rest of this flaming wreck off the edge of an almost real cliffside drifting lost…’