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out of Context;
‘if this is sanity that we are tripping on then where is it that we are going to that has us so alarmed at this point in the journey?… the space before space was explored being what it is today always changing to the static dismay of the others recoiled in horror at what excrement is being thrown off your tongue these days in ways that abandon a solid self-regard thought useful in awareness of the harsh conditions Here like shield, excited and fascinated by the state of decay enveloping everything to the point of an absurdity to a degree of extreme we cannot take seriously fully anymore no matter the tones used can convey a different sense of message altogether…’

try all by error…

out of Context;
‘the mission of the few who are left with officially destined tasks to save this crude nude humanity… queued up to the lines of filthy oblivion in living its’ destiny through us like children sent chuting from a conquering womb as cages keep the youthful exuberance held in cheque by the teeth of their sages, those in whose a relative decision is made by the hammer of the gods to defraud their way out of the paper bag brains driveling insane because of their reign of terror…’

a Parody in Prosody

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‘that tragic drama which houses all unfolds further curiosity implying the stress which chemical relief utilized to prevent every caustic vibration from resonating too deeply inside of these living cells as bereft from a material disconnect with source information as pieces toxically friendly with a predatory feeling attached as travesty mimicking humorously those unique elements trying to perhaps reach that next opportunity…’

a Roaring, Boring Phallacy

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‘within moments of achievement even these symptoms of a greater problem can still linger with people who might go so far as to make every argument about themselves unsound with an irrational basis in true understanding for human compassion, details describing just how bad we have it when we are somehow taken advantage of with all the aspects that make us trivialized and taken for granted that we are alive today moving inside a maze of fear… an enchanting Jimi Hendrix-phrased conundrum ‘if p was q’ when confronting the fallacy within logical argument using the nonsense eyes…’

Pig Odor Pagoda

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‘pleased as pigs in shit when hells’ fury can transfer the energy to another pursuit altogether inert before striving heroically for the win convincing us to conquest for our owned versions of the golden holy truth as guardian to assuage our restless fears… sacred are the scared in trying to play the meek role while the courageous stain the world with blood vying to gain as control is reverence to their doctrines which praise hate and a separation of faiths even when the truth would seem otherwise to this ideal standard…’

Pandering Pundit

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‘as belief brings manifestation through the immediate dissonance of these grinding wheels in motion… high horses ridden by loathsome whorish forces selling out the majority to share the trivialized pieces between themselves as a commodity of whatever crude aspect that wealth would mean to those while dreaming for a further conquest at no matter the cost, the only way to know is to do even when in the middle in this digital wave as a tsunami…’

Subverted Tactics, Perverted Habits

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‘you soon learn that given life is terribly short if living for the work only as so many hopeful youth are fascinated by the fist fuck, as we live suspended between vague and correct that some people are so good at projecting their perspectives onto others, and i can’t hear my words as they drain and flow like bitter turds… the substance of trying to know has undermined a truer understanding as god is just a big tease in a holding pattern for saturn…’


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‘we as the people, who have decided to manifest as the wicked skeletons fleshed out of a darkened closet that polite programmed society tries to keep welded shut felt as damage not as a chapter in history from which there is much to be learned, but we can only start doing this as real people if we grant ourselves the power to resist the vampire drain masked as beneficial when seeing this lie should push manic resistance from our lips…’

Steaming Meaning Piles

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‘breaking some obscure boundary, the horizon line at once seen in the distance by the naked eye while the artist inside tries to achieve a new view of these complex designs as they move through the nude reality unanchored by life, but scavenging tricks of the tragic age massive with movement as the agonistic bodies disenfranchised with this subdue of the hemorrhagic imagination calling into response ability the blood and the gore in understanding what magic it is we are creating…’

Conscious Pilot

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‘the objective goal has breached an obnoxious attention to detail?… so many alternate sides to argue the rippling reflections upon guilty feelings and repentant repercussion flex as side effect of this grand human domestication system wet networked naturally organically flowing together whether through opposition or assimilation, there is an atmosphere at work Here in a bubble churning up to the surface dynamically surging as innovators and tyrants are raised to levels of encoded programming performing for us in our moments of mad weakness…’