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‘early on, church was not a word i associated with comfortability or community but with constriction and the kind of elitism that allows the shunning of another human being out of superstition and status correction, and obviously that did not come to last in my childhood as you may call it the devil inside me that ached against such restrictive bonds… i say as yet we are still in the throes of so many other obligatory vectors that combat our psyches on a constant basis when struggle over unity should be the last things to force themselves upon our minds, but even before i was ever conceived of…’
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‘those hidden facets of the real apply, we cherish the products more than the people who work breaking their minds and bodies to produce those goods so prized today… the worker and the work are not separate, but part of the greater whole which relies on us to be the go-between for the energy to manifest into something more than just dream, as all worlds link and quantify the data bleeding through all points of reality not just our own myopic spin on this subtle harmony making us saints and demons outside of the invested interest of the other forces which couldn’t care less for us… we are the human debris wiping the streets clean…’
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‘cannot out Mankind’s inhumane instinct to assimilate and digest the roles of the natives as well as absorbing the culture and creating an oblong box containing the very narrowed concepts of containted (contained contamination) and conformed broad generalization until the extinction gene kicks in and finishes the job that the “white” blood cell set into motion devouring the world slowly through intrigue and obnoxious calamity, the very real and impossible to further decapitate with praise the living human gods as they strive to live like everyone else Here with the executioner paid by the most money by the highest bidder with no point of reference that isn’t a personal ideal of “good vs evil” as an epic struggle that hits too close for comfort sometimes with the world demanding some kind of a sacrifice in retribution…’
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‘nobody ever feels as though they are on the same page as the rest of this humanity, but the paranoid and tinted blinders do not have to last even this brief lifetime witnessed as a forever perhaps if only from our situationist roots as beings stuck in gilded scenes that try in vain to repress the acceptance of one’s roles within the grand theater of the absurd abstracted to burn the flagging will of individual in light of the pack mentality… to whom should i give my excess baggage to?… the stink of the ribald humors drifting under the nose of the indifferent sloven beast who cares not for the destiny of compassion among friends, the civilized demeanor among enemies who hear the voices of hatred…’
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‘democratic general assembly pulled straight from the coffin that corruption commercial and industrial incorporations have shoved it back in the day before all this insane internet bullshit materialized, this where the interests acting in our interests have lost their fucking minds by corrupting democracy with a tainted taste of weird capitalist voodoo that uses words written in triplicate to define an angular place where self-interest is often lost to profit and bottom lines that get crossed in the real world that cannot be replicated on paper with harsh analysis alone… the ninety-nine percent of us feel used by this intricate system that defies explanation as easily for those who prefer to strategize struggling with the absolute terms relayed from others who might remain faceless voices for the rest of their lives…’
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‘screaming, the pits of hellish anger and guilt grow deeper like infernal wounds underneath the subcutaneous fat of the domesticated human, pain that reaches beyond the nerve endings into the actual human mind as it bleeds through into thoughts and stray emotions alike to flay the virtual skin caged in the mind’s eye as a tormented picture show would throw depraved active images against those so darkened inside steamed brain juices… the projection of the soul upon windows called ‘eyes’ to those in the know…’
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‘the subject of this particular rejection, we see the movement on for one obnoxious concept to the next in a degenerating procedure meant for very few humans in the near future who will approve of the speeches made Here… the milked glandular problems of the mental ferocity thinking on the dead awake and screaming, but we will have none of it in this life we are living as though we have never lived before this which i feel is false to forgive in this plastic test tube of a system, an organic and sloppy portal wet and dreaming of somewhere to stick it in with all the rhetoric laid like bricks against this wall i have built with bitter strength with my own hands in the dark…’
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‘the root of the proposed family tree… genetic information mutates as the people adapt to changes in the physical environment, we are still working through an animal vessel no matter how synonymous with the being of human this beast has become to represent the experience of humanity, and it is this bland acceptance that has dragged out the debates begun timeless eons ago with some of our first philosophers pondering upon the questionable place of ego humanity in this cosmos without answer… we might see that the shifting almost mechanical are patterns at work in the vast everything that is, but we are few numbered to truly foresee the advance without bearing down right upon this next step in our recreation, the rest and relaxation being merely a pause on the way to active inclusion…’
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‘the innocent are claimed by the ignorant in haste to cull the herd of its tame and unwanted swollen members… the fiends play outright under pious paradigm twist as the truth flies in retreat from this secular thing suckling the being’s spiritual energy out of a greedy lust for life, molesting belief until it molds its own untruth that is built up into a rationalized system as it then begins to establish rules and constrictions to prove and support this alternate reality until a jagged extension cuts up through the unspoken of barriers always at rest until the next one is ready to come in to make personal wishes as fulfilled as possible as long as you realize you always have the capability until you are dead again, but this molested untruth branches and breaks off…’
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‘in the guise of religious upheaval promoted by compact media engines of propaganda material value karma, and we can’t even see the truth waving its ample little hands in front of us like the well-trained puppets we are for those of us that have truly succumb to the bath in mainstream hive-mind functionality and efficiency… the irreplaceable motion of energy from all sides of a pressure difficult to really explain accurately without needing some other lengthy discussions about previous terminology, the lifeless jargon of dead worlds collapsing in on themselves as though the whole house of cards were privileged enough to give way in one dramatic swoop of disbelief, but that is never so simply the case inasmuch as we would want to believe otherwise in our ritualistic behaviors to exploit our future concepts…’