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‘the essence of what we truly ever wanted in these individual chases for some better conclusions, my multiple meaning phrases summon themselves through me as though i were channelling electric spirits like a radio or television or logging into a vast majesty inside the digital universe discovered behind these cold flat screens as they filter our wishes through to be visible in this reality, and the windows makes for a good moniker in branding 100th monkeys out of all of us as we wait in line to buy the software and all of its updates rabid with enthusiasm at this modern wonder…’
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‘i stand up to rant my heart out with words cultivated from the mental dirt we all dig into facing an audience without fear, it is a temporary catharsis against the backdropping sounds and dim atmosphere of the places we fit as the design or location may hint with its’ own symbols and grounds as foundation for the drama unfolding, but this is how we create art that seems as to pull right off the pages before these very eyes that decide to see it all scattered in the pattern-seeking brain informing…’
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‘before entering the human being phase of the training, and not all can hear the bells ringing as though school were utterly always in session to reach the next lesson on the syllabus planned as taught in holy words and jerks that spasm against the natural laws that Mankind so detrimentally needs to learn…’
‘sitting in this vessel wondering what autonomy we could truly deserve as sub-space culture of demon worms pouring out of the thick bloated colon of past-prime demagogue… i don’t need all this heavy trash like recycled metal weighing down my strained bravery that defies law, tricks of the abyss in a tender kiss that miss the point completely as far as understanding what one can truly embrace…’
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‘where the only access refrigerator is always locked closed with the cabinets and cupboards nailed shut as the room begins filling with gas from the stove left on high, but no one is getting anywhere in making a wistful final countdown admonishing a god any god that might listen to random pleas sent skyward as the reversal of fortunes makes the heavens fall to earth in impending doom raining blood upon the scourge of humanity killing itself… i am passed out yet again, my friends…’
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‘disguised to be the “normal” childhood for an American boy in the modern decade of the Eighties, when the corporate corruption within this governing system reached a new and despicable high in mass mind control as the consumerist plague wiped out most of the decency left from prior ages leaving fear and paranoia as replacement in the wake as this side of humanity starting to drift… this idiot whose works you are reading now…’
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‘affairs of the casual human being, and it is at this state we have been in for too many centuries to count where we secure a frustrated impatience for a situation so out of our hands we become impetuous and brash to change things for the “better”… what is this ideal of better so unique to each of us in our time Here that we would get so completely distracted from the point onto other more tangential issues as they swirl only to get flushed out by the ignorance of Mankind’s approach to living best above all other inferior beings in the out there, especially as we get into a kind of apocalypse fever where culturally we crave an end to the static monster thus created…’
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‘new motivation to try and make things different for the better that lies beyond temporary catharsis of a festival or carnival or circus… we need to go forth and start new towns where the states of mind we share are not just redundant chitchat to be had between friends and foes of enemies alike, the snappy patter of wit and ironic that has boiled down to inane and brainless immersion into empty quotes and vapid anecdotes that describes a life meant to adapt to the picaresque inertia we have allowed ourselves to forget so that we may return from the shambles once we get there, but what of those lost souls who will never grow up to be the people their kind have anyways wanted them to be?… we are all developing apart and as a whole…’
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‘a new township of toxified nature made death in cancerous watery sublimation of the living breath that has taken so many lives as is already in abundance and waiting to arrive, but yet there are these little intrigues that humanity gets sucked and fucked up into as obsession takes the soul core of control tempering the curiosity as everyone has taken and given for granted as respect for the distinction the terrible honor of killing by decision or decree signing the name to command and authorize severe penalties from one who sits too far from the view of the slaughter…’
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‘hundreds of years pretty much soaking into the popular mystique of culture as many of the myths reinterpreted by the profits that resemble the signs for followers baptized in the rivers of money that have sprung out of the pools of blood and sweat and tears spent to be funneled into the cold hard cash as it appears like fate in the bleak and harsh landscapes taken for granted in difference of opinion and glad-handing the truth, to be groped like a sleeping beauty in a room sedated to be a person invoked as interpretive oracle to the wizened pervert’s whirled and suffering cesspool which calculated risks have endeavored to fixate and dismiss into the screaming of rage in the background where the money is used as tragic filter by which the state draws its lines…’