‘…to navigate ways around because judging minds always want to know the details of what is truly going on searching for divinity though lacking the ability to sense the abstract and esoteric without fearing for sanity as concepts are believed to reshape our perceptions together and as separate individuals assumed lost and wandering at times requiring guidance whether this helping hand could be deception means the doubts flash through our eyes when time comes to question this corrective authority maintaining aggressive ideals for sake of appearances while manipulations of all sorts run rampant, scamming us of the earned dignity of independence we are made to look forward to in our pursuits toward contentment as mediocre as that may be it also helps to assure the more cautious of us ways to camouflage whatever darker parts…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…described as being hypocritically apocryphal or an unsound pontoon trash raft of news, constantly making our fragility known when we are feeling most certain that things will go correctly one more time around on the life lesson wheels of fate spinning us faster as we understand better further secrets aphorise becoming mystic enlightenment paid for when the dervishes whirring whirled starts stopping completely leaving us all to question our guiding structures of logic and reason in pursuit of survival re-calibrating what was once there before apocalyptic armaments and dystopian dreams filled the streams live with people reiterating the same garbage to each other until one of many lies sticks or makes an impact, as it used to be with breaking reports on nightly network programs then programming the chosen viewer with critical impairments…’
out of Context – ‘…shoddy face-saving ego propped against everyone becomes unproductive excesses perceived as manipulations get more extensive entrapping the guest in this particular system of revenge set up in our social structure by default when so many psychopaths rule the world it takes willpower not to explode though fine lines are crossed in trying as difficult chore to have any voice loud enough to change your world for the better requiring a Greek chorus to emote personal feelings in ways without offending, imitation of nihilistic nonce attitudes surrendering to small-mindedness when our sheltered brains realize courtesy as it seems every person is automatically entitled Here as autonomic response from the body politic interpreting our commitment to brand loyalty even if it means the death of us demanding through certain impasses without escape existential contemporaries…’
‘…deeper than merely surface layers relaying signals, unholy cacophony or wholly unlistenable dreck at sermons and church functions earnest in trying to learn ways that feel daunted by others who perhaps cannot accomplish so they choose to project their weakness onto anyone within range calling out the visions in tongues to exorcise demons from themselves only successful in casting trauma upon their endlessly victimized people perverted in dreams until such molestations halt with many answers required usually through acts of help kindness and compassion not violent spirituality applied intrusively to condemn and shun any proposed sinners causing ever more intermittent distress than may have previously been felt, erupting in emotional quakes through a person’s being so forced to ride the frightening that they cannot prevent that from happening to the point of no return…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…mass produced goods that serve as rewards for a job well done unlike our staked claim which is rare in finding value that isn’t expressed measures, defining the vastness of dark matters we have no room in which to judge Here critical in our own vanity contributing to the view on shared standards to which have been agreed upon in some eras past analyzing the variable structures of society struggling to define itself in utility for more professional or formal matters dictating the flow of civilized evolution critiques every unique approach trying to balance intensity with banality progressing the process of this mutating massive mess to behold in its grandiose essence taking down everyone and everything to stumble in its path of destined destruction promoting rebirth, Here a desert of the real before the oasis…’
‘…political or religious servile conditions are not ripe for the people to get their fruits of justice as retaliation the wave form collapses into the ruined states of tactics ransacked and flayed we digress ashamed, as violence was narf the answer Here while murder was the case that they shamed me with because we were caught guilty red-handed with some planted evidence for measuring disrespect next time perpetrators need to protect themselves they will not hesitate to inflict damage against those who would dare to test those boundaries so casually loses their footing and perhaps their life depending upon what related parties apprehensively though credibly accused of the offense choosing as monsters we are becoming something that doesn’t rely upon humanity or analysis to survive commercial industrial warfare causing martial law to conceivably replace government…’ – out of Context
‘…currency of the current society whose digital whispers condemn each other in subtle to extreme competitions to get ahead of the train wreck approaching us with barrier-deflecting power that be in order to make an escaping that much easier than not knowing what to do Here tricking oneself that everything is calm on the surface but struggles underneath from where there is no retreat tend to burst through in knockdown context defeating apprehension triggering suspicion that everything is bound to fail Here can we ever dissuade ourselves from perilously moving forward to excise the torment seeming endless, attached to our familiarities as the repeated patterns plague us into thinking their continuity as absolute when it is as mutable as the spirits and moods that shape our personal behavior ideas and the aspects of our character…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…many of us have been vehemently brainwashed into thinking and acting in specific ways that do benefit those profit seekers willing to cross as many lines before they die just to say they did it without any real regard for the victims created from this hostile treatment which comes back upon all threatening forces wrongly denying their part, playing a prominent role in question used as critical authority over anything Here becomes a corrupting power absolutely answers excusing without explaining behaviors detrimental to our collective existence where mercy is denied except from accepted terrestrial persons in charge and asking to be taken as our leaders when they have not represented their various people for too many aeons passed beyond recognition of whatever can be genuinely interpreted as sincere in such inhospitable places…’
‘…vital parts of self as time wears on critical of our dramatics constrain dynamically by contrary forces from any official sources forward movement manifesting a capable gravity well of souls which powers we exploit are drawn deliberately rejecting sophisticated techniques because of a difficult stigma we all appear smothered with it as chalk outlines marking the restrained bodies Here pained faces have managed to gather as witnesses to the next events whatever they may be affecting are larger scope of traits attesting to humanity being able to further on in their collected journey expecting, and wanting for levity to carriage us all away from our fears and dread to suspend the psychic sacrificing on the cake mad from human blood and bone ashes and guts allowed to coagulate and create an ominous stench…’ – out of Context
‘…intrude upon certain failure if they cannot correct to the “right” way as being approved by mechanical wisdom caught ghost in the cuisine digested in gears grinding, relentless through the bits and bytes layered in code and alive with electricity wicking the candle flame digital giving off light from a vast spectrum of bandwidths and wavelengths crossing over with one another creating patterns some people worship while others plague humanity with various energies at flux commands cosmic happenstance as much as any remedy to the pain and suffering masked as sanity superficial structures erected from nothing important rising higher than necessary to touch a totemic sight from gods just above regarding a conceptual heaven where even the worst of us goes without question because of unifying concepts…’ – out of Context