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…subject project object reject…

‘…a calm head through knee-jerk reactions from the body politic that often strays outside anything resembling a unified front because humans are far too fragile speaking on how so easily speaking in our own voices quietly we are manipulated by our egos located inside of our minds teasing us with crossed streams of curiosity wanting to know desirous to delirium to see and hear natural mysteries, no matter how far beyond driven we appear to be in others’ eyes as the madness begins to overtake our practical sensibilities as well as rational logic for what is making us feel good now while we await our eventual fate continuing to pursue the depths of difference between experience and imagination trying not to diminish either side of mass debates Here because all viewpoints retain elements of truth…’ – out of Context

…musings upon a chemical Existence…

‘…in magical realism to some extent that tries to coexist with impotent though awkwardly still highly offensive tactics triggering disgust in hosts of organisms Here transcending their animal urgency, over time we succeed though while inside our cocoon state molting mutating and manifesting differently than when we first arrived to vulnerability dying off into instances of shambolic sham shamanism credited to imaginary characters pulled out from our own psyches Here effectively interpreting for ourselves whatever materials we have at hand attempting to achieve some lasting impression upon this convoluted circulation decrepit in maintaining items of its necessity producing concepts into artifacts dropped into the markets causing crippling ripples through the systems attached to the information passed around shifting meaning as it passes hands minding its business…’ – out of Context

…teleGram spam…

‘…up close humor is required as another tool to escape harsher experiences ahead always accessing the deeper realms of our fears extending further out as body horror enshrouded in this curious creature we are circumventing situations of life, or death because risking anything one has worked hard for is no mere sacrifice giving gods rights to control the direction of your soul by appeasing them with valuable objects devoted to defilement in their names as bog bodies moved from their natural resting places to be further analyzed by the discriminating scientific eyes forensically dissecting to find information once thought blasphemy in olde tyme fascinations with dead things resurrected curse through the surgeon’s hands cruelty as affront to natural curiosity yet to be while superstition and misinformation are enough to sway attitudes that matter most now…’ – out of Context

…crass bureau Crazy…

‘…positively functional social behaviors that we are supposed to be imprinted to include growing from screaming infant, children of the atomic generations after casting shadows not left as nuclear graffiti on the sides of walls where our bombs have struck thunder as though reality were glass or ice easily shattered by sudden mutations of energy going critical not as thoughts but as particles of matter following the energy that released them into the atmosphere now filled with these elemental particulates of self splitting apart sometimes slowly and more gruesome to behold as people break down inside and out the squishiest parts reducing to oozes first but this agonizing process leaves the bones of course densest puzzling pieces, all that will be left of us whether now or later makes no difference to the greater nature…’ – out of Context

…ants have no Answers here…

out of Context – ‘…our fragile character to be replaced with something more suitable to the environment to which we are expected through blood diamond magics extracting value draining matters of fact from the relay of humanity trapped moving back and forth slowly slain by the vicious repetition that kills us vitally hungry on our vitality to exist ourselves trying to make an easy target by dissecting the meal into parts or pieces taking place as though on a stage because they can act as if nothing is happening as ego gremlins devious and wicked devising, the devices of those exposed final destination slayers who choose to digest us first as nature would and does in final say eventually cutting off what will feed the creatures in the noise some that annoy the civilized impersonators claiming fealty upon realty…’


‘…incapable of sight through this shape as beyond it through cognitive linguistics our chance of getting into heads as parts and pieces of this mechanical puzzle which our existence implies for us if interpreted differently, somehow approaching the subjects and objects as conjoined primary implements that defy easy reasoning from lazy minds sometimes hiding a lack of understanding because psychological infancy can last far into an absolute series in phases of adulthood as rites of passage formulating aspects that are difficult to assume without the experience to achieve differing points of view throughout these frames that take space while alive in this specific realm allowing for understanding at all when those can be opposed to thinking that lead us now hoping for better results from a collective push to reorganize ourselves motivated by decisive action…’ – out of Context

…wAnchors away…

out of Context – ‘…who know what they are looking for considering the sources of this animal flesh that bears witness and attacks tries to adapt boundaries without leaping before thinking through completely wired differently scattering of lives living through this manure heap that values only higher and larger amounts of force each finding their own ways to the top fighting against the funk transfer of the zombie eaters relying upon the wells of knowledge planted to grow deeply ingrained impressive seeds laying groundwork, assumptions climbing the most fruitful trees disarming us with dysthanasia or a bad death when haste falling from grace exploiting the ignorant though savage dance through damage introducing lessons back into the mixture hot mozel tov cocktail left shattering displaced glass and shards of fire in the paths of others walking over burning coals…’

…Here comes the dung…

‘…my altar Here in the imaginary where my powers are not held back by prophylactic obscurity because no two stories take the same path within this mass of circuitry playing upon yesterday and today as sensory control drafting our perspectives mutating into the thought police whose moral imperative defined by the system as the only one capable of reabsorbing the energy of anomalies found to be forces at work behind scenes we are not always privy to when it comes to information being that casually relayed with no moderating reinforcement, one gets stuck under layers of the overwhelming someone inflicts upon themselves as that happens to be whatever final sequence required to permit expression of these wild ideas unleashed whistling or whispering through the jelly in-between your ears churning through variable pieces constricting the values…’ – out of Context


‘…unpleasant truths that squeeze and ooze from our pores poor you set in your ways leading to fatigue and horrible hygiene one step closer beyond to something other than this accepted exception to the rules only where applies best with salve or cream overnight a sleeping remedy because awake life is too much to handle simply or easily thanks to the complicated stakes omnipresent in suspension of disbelief to search out adventure as the next martyrs to be assaulted by a cruel real world, where the smallest parts one does participate within creates ripples dependent upon spreading ideas within context easy to understand being too shrewd through vague communication getting others freely telling their viewpoint to one within patience and silent contemplation feeling sorry for your story line in this brief chapter of life…’ – out of Context

…notions of something wUnderground…

‘…even if that means sacrificing civilizations to the context of a bloodthirsty beast let out on the loose to reign havoc intruding mayhem into social events flipping their stability transformed to become orgies of the macabre decadent and affluent, as it has always been with power-hungry minions of perfection seeking fuel for the fire in their heart of hearts beating profuse with professional confessions the edges of which tell tall tales of wealth and resources as though this were an optimal delusion to suffer from over-extension of selfish hoarding universally paranoid and protective represented by facets of one’s possessions held dear but restricting any vital access to energy flow required has led to obstruction in avaricious treasure hunters using whatever gimmick it takes to change spontaneous fortunes instantaneously with the right formula of determination…’ – out of Context