out of Context – ‘…permeating everything entertaining and otherwise while the danse macabre downward spiral keeps digesting bodies as they hit the floor along with blood as much sweat or weeping secretes emotional investment into every single personal decision Here gathering steam for the engine by taking the right smart drugs and health supplements glittering herbal green to enhance this novice sensory experience of alien essence because of that beyond human spark, that autonomic programming popping kernel core source of structure constructed for an arsenal of pheromones hidden inside to be triggered by various stimuli we barely consciously register like giants so high upon the food chains of command awaiting dual chain of human supply to meet the demand as apex predators dying out to varying levels of assertive personality genuinely wanting to achieve by resisting the mainstream…’
‘…exchanging place with each other in order to maintain balancing acts Here as forces made into faceless gods and angels whose angles are labeled as directives holier than thou types of imperious commandment found conquering… disconcerting consequences when all else fails to register some amounts of pausing cautious hesitancy is required though in order to formulate worthwhile tactics against these kinds of encountered tendencies expecting no relief when the strain of sequence goes awry askew and ill-defined by the conduits of information relay somewhere there is a weakest link in the chain of command not necessarily in amongst many legions proving their loyalty Here all vying for dominance in old world honor code bullshit expected out of cannon fodder and human shields objectifying any living thing to be used as pawns in obnoxious war games…’ – out of Context
‘…never adding up the evidence only moving forward in this desert of the real to get to exploit all benefits of the next oasis until repeated patterns so wrongly submits sanctuary gone to conquering will, transmission of guilt through the genealogy as much the disease and foulness that clings with obvious vicious stink that wafts to prevent communication with scent and magnificently horrendous odor trailing wherever the blood moves you as a dirty nomad shuffling distances refusing madness to possess and manipulate your deprivation in order to use your emotions against you through abnormal pressures being cooked out of you or me for that matter as we whom attempt to recycle these confused and abused terms of service stated very technically even if the awareness of how to use the technology is limited by acceptance…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…stories and myth carving social stone with laws and order ruling that we should submit to this as it proceeds whether appreciative or not of what is deemed as inevitable by them though even these devices will be flippant and flung upon their sides if chancing advance at taking advantage of people refusing to submit to that authority with so many obvious examples of why we should resist whenever our rights are being impinged upon with dire affect filled with resentment within the populace at large, the worst cancer being the first born from tumors of anger and hatred festered frustration under skins of supposed decency while acts of atrocity and bigotry fulfill their roles as catalyst causing manifest destiny to hinge upon fringe religious impetus to massacre thousands upon millions for their lands…’
out of Context – ‘…extremism finding a foothold within the social structure established leaving us to fend for ourselves once questions remain unanswered and stay that way under many variations of compromising circumstance becoming the resulting natural anomalies experienced and played out changing throughout the ages as they pass and the people interpreting what this struggle means inside one piece of a larger tapestry depicting the dynamic universe constantly transmuting itself… imagining these words are becoming merely sounds without symbol or signal attached rhythm rhyme and reason reverberating through the ether of space and time coalescing from energies with unknown terrestrial sources powering this vessel of raw pieces and parts of a puzzle larger than any one person has clues getting us attached to suffering so deeply we cannot fathom any systems without this challenge…’
‘…a calm head through knee-jerk reactions from the body politic that often strays outside anything resembling a unified front because humans are far too fragile speaking on how so easily speaking in our own voices quietly we are manipulated by our egos located inside of our minds teasing us with crossed streams of curiosity wanting to know desirous to delirium to see and hear natural mysteries, no matter how far beyond driven we appear to be in others’ eyes as the madness begins to overtake our practical sensibilities as well as rational logic for what is making us feel good now while we await our eventual fate continuing to pursue the depths of difference between experience and imagination trying not to diminish either side of mass debates Here because all viewpoints retain elements of truth…’ – out of Context
‘…in magical realism to some extent that tries to coexist with impotent though awkwardly still highly offensive tactics triggering disgust in hosts of organisms Here transcending their animal urgency, over time we succeed though while inside our cocoon state molting mutating and manifesting differently than when we first arrived to vulnerability dying off into instances of shambolic sham shamanism credited to imaginary characters pulled out from our own psyches Here effectively interpreting for ourselves whatever materials we have at hand attempting to achieve some lasting impression upon this convoluted circulation decrepit in maintaining items of its necessity producing concepts into artifacts dropped into the markets causing crippling ripples through the systems attached to the information passed around shifting meaning as it passes hands minding its business…’ – out of Context
‘…up close humor is required as another tool to escape harsher experiences ahead always accessing the deeper realms of our fears extending further out as body horror enshrouded in this curious creature we are circumventing situations of life, or death because risking anything one has worked hard for is no mere sacrifice giving gods rights to control the direction of your soul by appeasing them with valuable objects devoted to defilement in their names as bog bodies moved from their natural resting places to be further analyzed by the discriminating scientific eyes forensically dissecting to find information once thought blasphemy in olde tyme fascinations with dead things resurrected curse through the surgeon’s hands cruelty as affront to natural curiosity yet to be while superstition and misinformation are enough to sway attitudes that matter most now…’ – out of Context
‘…positively functional social behaviors that we are supposed to be imprinted to include growing from screaming infant, children of the atomic generations after casting shadows not left as nuclear graffiti on the sides of walls where our bombs have struck thunder as though reality were glass or ice easily shattered by sudden mutations of energy going critical not as thoughts but as particles of matter following the energy that released them into the atmosphere now filled with these elemental particulates of self splitting apart sometimes slowly and more gruesome to behold as people break down inside and out the squishiest parts reducing to oozes first but this agonizing process leaves the bones of course densest puzzling pieces, all that will be left of us whether now or later makes no difference to the greater nature…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…our fragile character to be replaced with something more suitable to the environment to which we are expected through blood diamond magics extracting value draining matters of fact from the relay of humanity trapped moving back and forth slowly slain by the vicious repetition that kills us vitally hungry on our vitality to exist ourselves trying to make an easy target by dissecting the meal into parts or pieces taking place as though on a stage because they can act as if nothing is happening as ego gremlins devious and wicked devising, the devices of those exposed final destination slayers who choose to digest us first as nature would and does in final say eventually cutting off what will feed the creatures in the noise some that annoy the civilized impersonators claiming fealty upon realty…’