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that Mystical Charisma

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‘those congested trivialized tidbits of information at our fingertips typed away into a beginning as a digital culture… we know not what future beings we shall become to appear as though we will shed the human chrysalis if we choose the right steps that shimmy in place in front of us as aligned to change reality for the truly better instead of worse than it is in the Now as it all distorts our perceptions, a selfish glory possessed by a sorting out of others’ messes for them without evaluating one’s own mistakes and karmic debt traveling through the rough draft we all try to catch in our own ways…’

Steaming Meaning Piles

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‘breaking some obscure boundary, the horizon line at once seen in the distance by the naked eye while the artist inside tries to achieve a new view of these complex designs as they move through the nude reality unanchored by life, but scavenging tricks of the tragic age massive with movement as the agonistic bodies disenfranchised with this subdue of the hemorrhagic imagination calling into response ability the blood and the gore in understanding what magic it is we are creating…’


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‘left to our own devices to understand the old universe in its’ immensity as it utterly shifts with internal change ever-constantly to shape us and the progress of life and consciousness on more than just our world, and i see the name i was born into with the parental clones manipulating sets of genes they’ve both worn out their welcome to control as juvenile rebellion pushes me to show them just how much i am not like their flawed beliefs or perceptions by taking a new name and making those decisions that reveal a grown child still buried under whatever expectations adulthood has made sane to us…’

to Heal a Monster

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‘essentially determined to affect the world, and our dreams from inside this forever lived as experiential information save condemned to flesh out this dimension comparable to the stray ant farm metaphor so true as we anthropomorphize on into the sunset-lit horizons that mark the end of days gone by looking out and forward… sometimes sunshine blind by the customs that do bury our human tribe alive as we take on these traits further than death will measure…’


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‘pushing all the timid clones along to meet the cliff’s edge where true satisfactory testing begins with the leap of faith to trust yourself that this isn’t going to be the absolute end finishing off everyone who did not pass the first time through, but still your beating heart for one more cautious moment to see who you are that you are not a mere living machine meant for hard labor while the rest of humanity teases oodles of commodities from your worth and value as attempt to be more than the animal…’

MAMA und DaDa

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‘to appease the pyramid scheme on high in those ivory tower hideaways with special security and monitoring to make sure there is never to be any unwanted intruders… we are subjected to claims that nothing is as it seems and less than ten percent of the visible spectrum can be seen by the naked eye looking into the screen with the same dire serious lies that only opportunistic selfish fools can ascribe to their lives as liars live and die out as do all of us in time…’

the Smarter the Martyr, the Lesser the Pressure.

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‘collected idolization by millions of worshipful messengers claiming to have found the pulse in the circulation to affirm salvation this particular world has to offer these people for their willingness to dutifully give in, tickling the fickle public’s fearful fascinations with superstitious trending biblical where once we had worshiped plethora of deities in other lands that we cannot ever seem to remember without our badly-edited history books always waiting on the blocks to being banned or burned like no few saints without their proper trials observed truly leaving how much lore to look forward to as handed down fodder to have fed the ideas making wars and peace happen over the centuries used to train us?…’

the Whore Moans

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‘to whims of those barbarian hordes who would rather stick their dick in your cheek instead of hearing what you have to say… rape and plunder attempting to maneuver into positions of power where no one should be seated for long enough to become the villain of their own story as glory and prosperity would naturally follow the traces of a better person, whereas the villain has nothing left that isn’t of a material property fought hard to be possessed in an act as status quo standard to define the indifference with value that cannot be valued except by the most vile whose whimsy has edges too sharp not to draw the precious blood dripping as perilous killing joke…’

Monsters from the Drama dimension

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‘the meat moves and writhes churning and viral passing along traits maybe better left in other times and places, intimation of random deception of the culture proliferating throughout even those tiniest of details as the demons and weasels of humanity crawl to utilize sanity into warping the minds gratuitously of all spokespeople involved in this consistent spin of reflected deflection that drains, but is the state of this artistic means motion to an end worth enough to have set out to get to the other side as the static clinging wrap to capture our best traits is pulled wide…’

Gimps of the Mind

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‘an unwavering clarity in this… the respect for those dolled-up waifs traveling in circles far too distant for me to rotate within as the whips and chains of the soul are bared teeth savoring the taste and the consistency of skin as device of thrilling conclusions and endless romanticism with sensual possibilities pulling some of us along by a leash, and the tightened collar grip the mass-ters tug upon to control this defenseless puppy’s hold on reality becomes much too much while that tightening costume of the gimp wears thin in small increments that make the skin itch for tender mercies or a pledge for forgiveness from those wielding the power over who stays and who goes, but the sweat and the screams for those few brief glimpses helped the victim absorb the terror by indulging…’