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smokescreen of the aMerikan dream.

out of Context;
‘this is not the point at all instead arriving at distraction ourselves as we see the reality before our eyes and mentally eviscerate the resemblance that hits our distaste button… we incinerate the incredible world around us, tearing down what cannot grow back so easily while at the same time reproducing more and more into oblivion as the mass sacrifice becomes greater and greater when those dead inside believe they have won, but the human crush lusting freedom cannot escape the thirsty causes erupting from destructive leisure initiating the productions of the subdued thrills to pull the violently degraded wool over half a millennium’s generations of lies coming together at once…’

a Million dollar babies.

out of Context;
‘the visions are too vague to show all the way, but powerful enough to leave an excited impression on those receptive to the same vision which further reinforces an idea of the reality into fruition, hanging from the ether as it awaits to be revealed and plucked down by materializing forces… the tree of life is this ethereal thing, and everything is alive within its bounds as the energy circulates all throughout to show that no motion comes to a complete stop, always choosing a different attitude to take when it appears to be no other direction is working… this is adaptation working out its kinks and bugs by natural selection of endeavor…’

Mister Goddamn.

out of Context;
‘as use of many levels of shared experience becomes accessible to the larger perspective that humanity is on the path of this progress… like dueling badgers just humming along to the strumming of banjos as the caption reads; ‘reality the way it really is’, this is the redneck disease of human ignorance that has plagued our kind since we have allowed others to usurp our ideals and hard work towards establishment of the social mind over the hive, but it is so damned difficult to wipe out all the bugs from within as without… such is life under the freakish glass dome we abuse to protect ourselves and our kind, letting there grow this self-inflicted authority upon the rest of civilization…’

Mutiny by braindeath.

out of Context;
‘don’t forget, what you see is what you get, and sometimes not even then because of how fucked our system truly is by now… the discretion seems too much to tolerate, a judgment call too damn wicked to retrieve from the dark hallow halls of power without the proper resolve of brown on the tip of your nose, and the idiot madness that comes with working the different angle into your dragging ethic of focus and limitless possibility… the culture will try its damnedest to rub your nose in the filthy mess we all have contributed to in order to make you think that only one person could ever be responsible for the disasters intermittent throughout the state of our present world, but these are all lies and propaganda…’

a contradictory Motion.

out of Context;
‘the television hive glows with the undiscovered foes on the inside disposing of the reasons to live, hording the few pieces of real beauty to the elite ivory towers in the distance too far to reach from Here, but just close enough for their tainted words to lure us off-course… distraction is the name of the game as the entertainment peels back layers of conscious awareness for sedative delight, and the substantial abuse of the system that retains the sensitive prophet for use as a figurehead tactic has outlived its uses as maniacal propaganda machine, the war has finally come into our minds instead of our doorsteps because the last great frontier is the involuted introversion of this human virtuality plugged right into the next world… crazy from the heat of this strain and disciplined edge…’

a day to Make-up.

out of Context;
‘maybe paragraph breaks would mean the world of difference as to actually being interpreted coherently, but few streams of consciousness are succinct in their methods with few people being able to interpret accurately their own sorted feelings on everything… our culture kills those that are not part of the cell, and anything that goes beyond that “god” wall is sacrificed for the intent and purpose of innovative nature, as death is not always that great equalizer for everyone…’

Mothers’ dazed.

out of Context;
‘the beast as we have become straight from the vaginal canal to the surface world in a matter of hours or days depending upon many factors on delivering the child into the world properly, following rules of conduct between mates and extended families in the time period that fuses us into the chance of materialized reality, and from there it is up to the forces around us as well as the resilience we are born with to either SINK or SWIM in the other concentric realities already forged by those who think they know what they are doing…’

lost signals of the frozen Mind.

out of Context;
‘part of me thinks you have to sacrifice the childish intent within oneself to consume the next level of thought altogether, but again i realize that these concepts are alternating interests that my imagination brings closer into view, sometimes one needs to explain exactly what it is they meant by all that has been said… a person begins to reflect on the inane periods throughout their strange certainty in living appropriately…’

piss poor Model of life.

out of Context;
‘I love you all… even if we never visit again this rich and splendid foulmouthed fountain called earth, i will champion this halfbreed attempt at humanity, but only as the ephemeral mood has hit me in the burning candle of life….the incandescence is bright and intense from inside, but once outside the center of the flame, the universe might seem expansive quite objectively to one with the eyes to see it from that distance… where the flame resembles the calescence of our cosmic solar star game, and humanity crawls upon but one planet circling graciously and pseudo-synchronously with the other hulking masses still, waiting and influencing the drama as it begins unfolding through us and the rest of the environment Here… pausiously stepping out with daggers in hand…’

a Mutant of desire.

out of Context;
‘boiled to the surface by the heated debate between sources of authority, and movements made in err to be judged harshly in scapegoat willingness to become the wrong one, and swallowing those half-masticated lies force-fed our way by the brain dead despised with rhetoric lives…’