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‘as burnt offerings fall from the skies to distract us from whatever we ever wanted to be revealed as reality once this ignorant veil gets lifted to question the soulless yet charming ideals that chime in with any suggestion of what is next even as the fear blocks another person from viewing things in a way that does’t clash with the titanic standards of an unkind Mankind bared by any other banners like flags in waves denoting the ragged ends frayed with the pull of those tearing years ticking away… stumbling for answers when nothing else seems to fit or work out well for those who in participating with the games and their gamers play…’
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‘ideas are shit to be spread around and loosed upon the world by reckless the people who always remain nameless and faceless until such a time comes to punish both ourselves and the offenders, and we howl for blood whenever justice is not delivered as others deem it should be in depth of clarity that these truths are undeniable though at times difficult to triangulate among those elusive and reluctant whose stubborn assertion of righteous and evil are personal and often not linked to any truth that could be considered objective within the animal hive consciousness as found qualities and traits that humanity keeps controlled by any means necessary…’
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‘to stay fixed taking the oomph out of the step of anyone wishing to die boldly in an attempt to overhaul this desert of the real stiff and inflexible to a warm touch learning how we all choose to die for these vague rewards when it comes to wars and the stubborn desires that now fill our attention until the periphery gets blotted out at the edges, and perhaps this is where we only care about being lonely or when the integrity of compassion finally strikes out felt opposed by the enveloping decisions to act the prick pushing a vague sense of needing to complete moves tainted by a wanton approval from those darker forces of meaning…’
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‘lingering feature of this chain gang spiraling out on merely a planck directed by self-propelling charges of assertion defining the mechanics of the paranoid analytical paradigm as constantly shifting all systems in place as with sands in the hourglass slipping into that lower vessel awaiting another grand rotation for the pathways to flip again after what might seem like another hundred years or mere moments… a residue of the douchebag vendetta that Now appears to permeate all the aspects of a common sense as taken for granted and abused with nothing less than a reckless abandonment of priorities and mutual respect that may have been built up before birth though officially this means nothing today as changing things always has a way of changing things, this crazy Cosmosis as some membranous filtering…’
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‘a wilderness under our feet seeking more out of a curiosity we cannot explain, though always wondering where we end as the cosmos begins again by ways through some sort of a blood/brain barrier where the seemingly endless flow of a traffic from the material gets registered in with an indefinable quality lingering as residues paid in full by the presence having been inside of this humbling social experiment utilizing the human animal as its guinea pigs ground up on the machinery made by a Mankind whose unkind esteem has guided this perpetual looping beast to live and breathe…’
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‘in what seems like a prison whose thick cellular walls hold us all behind a tough skin… in the system as calloused as it wants to be as this juvenile state of stasis wherein we locate the person as buried deeper than under dirt in the unique psyche conscious with all of the ego weight and experience acquired through this course of obstacles called ‘life’ in which there appears no survival beyond this centralized flesh as the body can and will break down as moments of duress culminate in resetting the emotional calibration leading to mentions of struggle and hope conjoined with the human attributes to survival, but it gets tricky when these word games people play appear to conspire against you with all of their casual jousts stabbing and pricking the players into facing each other…’
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‘a real division of the senses of perception between us though at the cost of contradicting arguments in a quest for the animated side of ourselves to prove the value and worthiness to what we perceive as truth, at times the search seemingly endless even when clear examples are presented and equally valid a prop in any dimension of conscious curiosity stumbling through the rigid calibrations of a system gone mad with a variation in logics and vision once the head clouds over with thoughts of intricate atmospheres of the most delicate design created by the hands of Mankind with an ignorant set of small sample ideals to achieve trying to capture lightning in a bottle…’
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‘ideas and rhythms in tandem throughout the cosmos without a host to allow access to all the spheres of questionable matters while at once inviting the drama that humans enact with each other, compulsively in shuddering against the acceptance of a Mankind as dirty plague so above so below for those of us as lodged at the bottom of this gravity well of souls magnetically-attracted to Here like so many a soul before us called and culled to integrate into this anything you might refer to as a god even though it is these loosest of interpretations i summon now to your mind through your eyes as a sight compelled to understanding what it is i am telling you…’
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‘the forward progress boldly courageous as utility to explore the out there still unknown as like blood cells collectively searching for a consciousness in the circulation as that which contains us and our paths through this neural network still making leaps and bounds thinking of what this cosmic divinity is made of questing eternally remaining Mystery which binds inside all of our unique threads together both in the minds and bodies of this creative creature that we have called by many names but i have to officially dub ‘Humanity’, and it is Here a shared connective burden that brings us to tear each other apart on this playing field where we are either being played or killed or somehow just barely able to survive…’
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‘prestidigitation indubitably pronounced as a savior in wolf’s clothing as these days are bane to have the cheap and experienced for the New and an entourage of encouraging statements to bolster the ranks a bit more than needed to achieve a ulterior goal like this in marketing the image of a treasure and the treasured laments baring no proof of any mystically-derived decision to access a holy wisdom from the heavens locked into various cliches and tropes as a civilization of parrots and mimics are mocking the minds of their fellow citizen victims through quotidian tracts felt as voice for the voiceless as policies and laws are utilized to deceive those weak to the might and heft of perceived magic words…’