world at large Archives - Page 32 of 81 - All The Wrong Topics dot com

the day the internet died…

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‘under superstitious constraints as conflicted between an antagonistic faith and untethered curiosity in evolving from these electro-magnetic states to a greater understanding beyond mere flesh, coming home to that Other within ourselves that somehow separates from us when we reach all these new spiritual plateaus as each a different set of rules and rhythms to adapt and to metadapt (cellular adaptation) to as well when everything seems at odds before the evens… the rules can collapse just like the body in moments of deterioration collaborating to the mosaic we call ‘history’ maybe a bit too frequently nasty in the collective cesspool of a tragedy sadly pronouncing most of us ‘doomed’ prior to being born…’

taking the terrible, making it spiritual…

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‘dramatically… we all require the ability to adapt to our surroundings in order to strive instead of dying out in minor stints before the extincts kick in triggering our synapses to end in death like a sociological tsunami dragging this old world of certainty into debris and danger as falling objections commence to commiserate with the rest finding that nothing makes sense Here where humanity lives as both a slave and a master tormenting each one of us who resists this ignorant bliss fisting us from the abyss we avoid like the plague as if most of us ever know what that means, most of us cannot afford to try understanding when the weight of others obliges us to move in directions without thinking…’

history as a social histamine…

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‘draw upon myths and their corresponding elements of truth sometimes subtle or hidden throughout the patterns evolving between time flows, and are yet not cured of these deviant behaviors maligned and intermingled by the residents of the heathen earth wrapped up in their own situations to a fault making the curious cruel by leaps and bounds of the abstract imagination upholding a primal code finding ourselves blocked by the antagonistic forces digesting an opinion that isn’t their own Here… when the royalty of Europe later claimed divine rules and sat upon their thrones rather than bodies in the battlefield…’

a harpy’s bazaar

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‘pretending to believe a skewed idea of greater good that means so much more than qualities of human kindness universally reinforced with a positive reinforcement to endorse that anyone can do it through their own freedom of choice as much as believing in oneself more than those disparaging remarks made by the jealous, as we have the choice to turn our attentions away from that atrophy and decay devoured by the birds of prey that flock together tearing out pieces that can never be replaced as they were in order to sort out the weak from the strong when we all stand equal to each other after the fact of past tense inside of this ephemeral existence as a ghost searching for meaning in all the systems we are seeking…’

a weapon pious.

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‘as metaphor for a dialogue between mind and body perhaps, though still answers elude our curiosity driving us like a cruise missile to demolish any sanctity that would stand in resistance that the skeptical might have in confronting faith as related through personal diversions of a ministered flock in congregating around the words and interpretations of their chosen scholar whose only true devotion need be to the Self as inspired by god even if that means killing hundreds of thousands in wars and converting those who know not the inherent truth to your systemic inflection virally spiraling in toward an end which we know not as a finish…’


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‘with a placebo effect quickness even though as shoddy substitute as it is for eliminative function trying to eliminate the natives to whom have been chosen as a humanity to be told what to do by their masters of lore and knowledge creating effective symbols through what as it is to be learned and filtered by the means of a human nature choosing a harsh grinding absolution, speaking by hybrid utterance in prose poetic supposing a new way to tell a tale about the perspective of a universe under whose mighty jurisfiction we fit to almost as opposable nesting dolls that expand from the beginning outward on a journey that no one can accurately describe from the outside…’

scaryens; living in a shit empire…

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‘people take the orders that make them monsters as a world that ignores the pain and the grief as much as it can tolerate before breaking the humans and other parts into waste that gets recycled as paste into the soylent green dreams of apocalypse visions mutating both participants and observers in abstract ranges of depths creating the obnoxious regulars that stem from these ritualized realities all butting together as homogenous picture, as nothing that really matters can be called ‘shit’ by those who endeavor to realize more about what it is they desire even when disastrous desire turns sadistic as games layered…’

the muse atrocious

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‘fear and tragedy reign down upon a lost people whose glimmer of happiness lies in the reductive value acquired by material abject given more credence than ones who make and produce through the inspirational dynamic aspiring to be or do more with the limited time Here among the cycles of shaped organism spinning like webs of knotted organic chains with words of advice disguised by the propagandese of the proper authorities sporting distortion like a knife slick with gore and gleam of battlefields heady with the spirit of war, and modern warriors now walk brainwashed rushing to the fore of an ideological warfare fanned by the flames of any direct conflict that wanders their way…’

raptures of the deep

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‘for a leader or a guide that will serve us respectfully as much that we should do the same, but can it be so terrible to be kindness out of the depths of one’s own heart in uplifting another to their highest potential in the same breath condemning one’s own faults and flaws and follies as well to shift blame to a martyr mode whose scapegoat role assumes all responsibility similar as negative attractor amidst the throes of a passionate argument where all witnesses create a circuit commanding an emotional value within the cosmic sequences we have shared with each other… no Mankind is an island united by discretion taking things too far it seems interpreting the dreams narcotic to enslave humanity in an ever-tightening series of aromatic chemical chains to placate our animal names never known…’

stranger danger, trust no one…

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‘errs disgust and vaporous trails of distrust to sedate and complicate the lives of the brave few who would do anything for you or i or anyone else worthy of being treated this way out of genuine charity as compassionate center of an uncertain humanity yielding to truths sometimes too terrible to be able to mention politely as a policing and judging minority takes your actions at face value, and maim the rights and privileges that hardly a day goes by that isn’t filtered through fear involved in maintaining any one of these things to become a fully participating human doing without need thinking as autonomic reflexes reconnoiter the smooth ideals from the hands of their creators to a harbinger of havoc and mayhem once leaving the static station free of any potential stress to be relieved…’