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‘curiosity reaching through endarkened ages that hold an information as a preserve to saturate our culture still to be utilized in another frame of reference when looked through with zoetropical eyes showing us our hopes and fears with whatever we can consider a moving honesty that what is felt seems mostly betrayed genius as we might come to think of our personal righteousness… possessed by the plenum in whose gases of which we are the partially pneumatic moving through this farce of now-historic miseries taking notes where we can stand as physagogues now placed against those beings who squirt our gaseous contents out over these distorted visions when even a lack of substance can make us feel more whole while inside of ourselves Here doubting the transcendental moments of humanity…’
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‘impervious to mere rules or their agents gone in to retrieve those unchasened and unmanageable to pervert their energy into something a bit more constructive for the hive minds messing about in ivory towers trying to plan every little piece of a puzzle that doesn’t fit in with the rest of the map they laid out to view, and the strategy as applied to move the massive by tactics resorting to hostility and intimidation to subvert any personal sense of social safety and keep that consistent belief remaining within our heads that we as humans are plague-bearing creatures suffering out their fates based upon vaguely-implied ideals brutally reinforced by those fostered primal throwbacks planted as a neoanderthal set of guardian spirits with barely enough sapient cognizance to appear human while fooling most of the casual observers…’
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‘all we do while Here through a focus upon the integration of information becoming the next part of the process digesting us and all we have made out of nothing but aspiration and the material requiring us… Man impresses his subjects against the truth with false claims fashioned as perfect to push a fascist agenda seeking only to control us without release in a biased iron grip of extremity made flesh and bone reality to the world population now marching to this single beating rhythm bleeding all compassion out of these creatures trying to learn for themselves what right and wrong are about to discover a personal rationale making this passionate journey worthwhile, aching to be aware that we are each a performance living though not always aware of the art we contribute to the overall picture…’
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‘realizing that this humanity is not a failed experiment for the nazi pigs alive and well and feeding on our fears shared throughout the collective strive forward to the Mystery of heaven or bliss whichever comes first as i suppose taking the routes that we chose as the better for each our own personal continuity, and the myths are merely stories or parables used to attain some righteous footing in the slippery bullshit of the empirical fortunes of Mankind made master of the hive mind further reason why everyone should take their powers upon themselves and escape the horrid chains that bind us to shatter ourselves for these higher appeals to human nature from jerking puppets tamed by the screw now quickly quoted widely whose falsely righteous ass-rending is used as a flag-waving patriotism gimmick spurting out…’
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‘a linear construct shunts our choices away from any openminded appeals of the heart whose certainty is always in question by the impulses of one’s mind and preferences to be used a maintained cycle of behaviors in order to suck the seed of the gods and become golden as well this raw pantheon of ritual torment proliferated by the established ways of a masochistic masculine tyranny cruel for the sake of its cruelty, maybe to appease some cold dead gods of whose old patterns are integral and so needed as the newer systems require the updated versions these older formats of previous paradigms as like a shed skin when the world births itself anew to a crack loose from the chrysalis haze that has warped sight of our visions…’
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‘misinformation which will do nothing more than cement the nihilism inherent in these false appeals to the consumer played by us to change being lead astray into a goal that will relieve these symptoms of being stiff and uptight while trying to appear upright and moral to the rest of an old unassuming populace whose popular opinion is shaped and molded by social engineering deposited in current mainstream values, but a river keeps on flowing if one can consider time like this in its path from beginning to end where we ride the waves as they collect and disperse around our lone bubble roughly passing through rocky terrain as microcosm holographic within a great expanse of this universe embedded to the hope that this bubble won’t burst until reaching the right escape hatch…’
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‘dream go to waste with no patience left to give only to take as we pay our way into the pain machine once again what with a little blood and rage shed at the time, tainting the escape with hatred and anger as violence enters into your picture of how the raging alcoholic will beat and abuse the people who appear as mere puppets now projected from within their heads as the idiot flesh yields to demonic and perverted demands in a pursuit of Dionysian pleasures vague and blurry through lenses of the guilt and betrayal created when the substance used dominates the host whose guest has refused to respect the remains of those who would die because of its’ power, and it seems once tainted there is only oneself left to guard against a binge…’
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‘under the wrong circumstances, using the implied obligations as a law to force us into Man’s stiff ligatures of society tightened at the joints to squeeze and pressure the bones and the people to break subjugating the entirety of civilization into a crumpled labor class petri dish soon testing and distorting us into blocks and corners of information alive but writhing with time’s imperious tick drawing in the blood from all resources that can infuse it with space while manifesting this gossamer into the material basement of all realms, but it is rare that we see any of these inertias for what they happen to be when we happen to be too assaulted by the truth to stand up for anything when it feels like a killing blow to this soul as a wound…’
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‘waiting and searching through the floating cosmic debris as constantly these systems of delivery which surround our paradigm without our noticing most of the time as we are kept focused upon our own purposes while Here suffering through the worst of it to learn, but it is noted that as passengers we do not need to only confine our time and energy into the abusive modes of the others who act as doppelgängers of our shadow souls projecting onto us the dismal reflection a few of us are still developing through as a ‘devil’s gauntlet’ perhaps lodged somewhere permanent in the ‘dark night of the soul’ in the out there vacant though more than half full… woe be to whosoever feels that gauntlet striking them hard…’
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‘running off-street into vast absent voids act as persistent personal social demons provoking fear before respect out of the oblivious horde whose whim means nothing one-by-one as a massive beast it outgrows its constraints rather quickly it would appear vile instincts to survive that never were acknowledged prior to this warped running of bulls and their shit stimulated for our proposed benefit inside of a sprawling machine of industry with an evil finger deep everywhere, lodged in the cesspools floating with obnoxious hooligans valuing only the juvenile mirth of the bully tormenting perceived lesser minions leading to the doomed existence for little to none of a real reason being Here trapped in the dirt…’