‘…with anything devoured as such reincorporating all detritus they consume and convert into gathering symbols found on surging forward assuming the pieces left for dead things to be recycled verily into potential constituents of what comes next as we reassemble in further mutations than where we were prior to scientific revolutions, technical soliloquy without the poetry romancing blood from the stone much to the dismay of the scholars confessing their professional academia to the masses falling short of the standards espoused for sophisticated prices few can afford as more aspects become privatized games of subscription models considering this vital viral continuum we are continuing to live through today coveting the power to harness potential energies into actions predictably wagered to fit the gaps between moments left unhinged awaiting the sequence of events to proceed…’ – out of Context
‘…political or religious servile conditions are not ripe for the people to get their fruits of justice as retaliation the wave form collapses into the ruined states of tactics ransacked and flayed we digress ashamed, as violence was narf the answer Here while murder was the case that they shamed me with because we were caught guilty red-handed with some planted evidence for measuring disrespect next time perpetrators need to protect themselves they will not hesitate to inflict damage against those who would dare to test those boundaries so casually loses their footing and perhaps their life depending upon what related parties apprehensively though credibly accused of the offense choosing as monsters we are becoming something that doesn’t rely upon humanity or analysis to survive commercial industrial warfare causing martial law to conceivably replace government…’ – out of Context
‘…positively functional social behaviors that we are supposed to be imprinted to include growing from screaming infant, children of the atomic generations after casting shadows not left as nuclear graffiti on the sides of walls where our bombs have struck thunder as though reality were glass or ice easily shattered by sudden mutations of energy going critical not as thoughts but as particles of matter following the energy that released them into the atmosphere now filled with these elemental particulates of self splitting apart sometimes slowly and more gruesome to behold as people break down inside and out the squishiest parts reducing to oozes first but this agonizing process leaves the bones of course densest puzzling pieces, all that will be left of us whether now or later makes no difference to the greater nature…’ – out of Context
‘…social choking hazards in health conditions where the fear and dread become frayed ends of sanity unable to thoroughly heal as psychic wounds aren’t physical but can manifest in many other ways such as killing off living pieces in order to conform or die as punishment for doing things incorrect wrongly swayed Here as stains upon your record compiled for use in reinforcing what can happen, listened to for the first time one might not catch all the details we are supposed to remember against whatever else coercing us to recollect what was the reason for our deployment as this physical manifestation infesting the larger picture with misconstrued views in our back pockets guiding us by the seat of our pants as relentless restless occupants conquering boredom through a violent lens dismantling our functional reasoning…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…trading apothecary for the white sterile lab coating taking you as scientist and calling you melvins testing, boundaries openings closings gaps and assumptions all variables are home to something different another apex predator in our midst somewhere in the Out There perhaps as far flung futures invested in by someone somehow biding their time on this planet knowing or expecting different results from the vanity of their insanity projected outward hitting others sometimes with severe impairments if the calculations are off but still there is the need nay necessity for more testing even if complicated with sad feelings and the fact that we are all experimental guinea pigs to certain degree scared upon entering the system, like proper specimens yet we require an optimal delusion more than optical illusions tickling trickery into our strange assumptions…’
‘…biblical verses as this obverse observed in skewed and chewed up essay format perhaps more in the questionable style as sort of slab poetry written as though scrawl sprawling upon this supreme of screened in window to connected tissue issuing forth battles and cries because anger turns to sadness turns to madness so often as catalyst converting emotional baggage to avoid hemorrhage the brain dead from stresses unhealthily unhelpful no matter how stridently nice seeming we cannot be solely floating dreaming beings, embryonic brine seeking caricatures of creatures thirsty for accusation to become the worst version of oneself layered and recursive as curses become blessings as they converted over generations Here curing us as though that isn’t complicated enough travels finding the morale pursuing putrid virtues whose skin falls off in rotten chunks thoroughly vice…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…in the form of inspiration unsullied by the corrupted thinking that cannot help being grotesque and feral and recklessly unleashed upon the publicity stunt of running amok until having to be put down for such a damaging reap for rewards in the form of bodies whose inner worlds will now be lost because in some minds there is no hope, not by request but by wounds that weep angelic filth resembling blood to those that would ache for it to be seen running like a faucet dripping torture for the sadist and their victims scared to know any better because the light burns extremely bright in the eyes of dead souls ignited alight by purest psychic blindness pushing violent ideals for an agenda that excludes humanity taking place everyday the sounds of lambs silent…’
out of Context – ‘…superficial assumptions evoking troubling sleep patterns when the stress pours over moments for relaxing and resting in peace with that nagging fear and dread having morbidly ceased their quest of infiltration that finds us scared to metaphorical death dealing with the feelings of an emotional journey ahead, instead of waiting for a casual consumption of guilt and shame and isolation pushing my defenses empty that one cannot commit to steps that would balance out this picture diminished enough that self-esteem feels lacking to extents of damage mining the memories for reasons to hate and worry and consume what one should profess confess or express to fullest equivalent that leads one to the best of all scenarios for them that can execute gathering momentum conceding wisdom where steps were dumb prior numb to the conditional stupiditah…’
out of Context – ‘…until time is necessary that it appears unobstructed for long enough to enchant people with confessional spectacle admitting lines are crossed most of that time in gaps spasming chasms of real action as under human command they commence ready sequences completely once ideas beyond theory become fabricating artifacts, motivated by increase of profits surging to massive ridiculous extents no one foresaw because though we have various elements that guide our comprehension there is still nothing absolutely foolproof when an ephemeral corresponds to stable phases of this proposed knowledge the awareness never devoid of human inclusion as interpreting through symbols and signals reluctantly accepted as truth because overt trust is lacking when awarded suspicious bodies as brave instruments building that a future congealed in layers of perception is paid endorsement…’
‘…all the big boys in the yard who wear their psychopathy on their sleeves this being a warning that there is not necessarily a reflex action for compassionate display unless bargaining for something as ulterior motive Here amusing to interlopers scarred elements detached yet observing through the views provided in this old bureaucracy crass to those degrees affecting progress, rarely can intelligent diligence lamenting the old fashioned in its antiquated ways get our civilization anywhere other than nostalgia stalling out over idealized remnants displaced remains from fabrication in factories to final resting once minus requisite working parts selected for completing the circuit Here underestimated when considered absolutely obsolete with no exceptions for rape or incest outdated and misogynistic artillery of hatred generally directed at women for no good reason…’ – out of Context