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nymph lodes

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‘only a few to lead you as guide through the threshold of temperance modeled after the gods and monsters of the mysterious world you are receiving in these words as gateway to access your potential attempt at this perception of yourself from a distance kept as a lesson or homunculus to teach you the moral of what you did wrong to get Here… substantial qualities that humble seekers of truth to the facts of wisdom a thread at a time like Theseus in the labyrinth winding a way through this maze that strikes most ready as the serpent to find a vein within the vain attempts of humans who conquer and tap upon a venomous strain of endorphins released through the mainstream of this system watching mass diseases paralyze the plans of individual people…’

martyr dumb

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‘relying upon the adaptation of the survivors to raise their statues and build their temples on up to the stars as landmarks sending appeasement signals from afar to call forth the Others who have the persistence to stand forward taking on all who opposes with animal courage to push defeat onto those enemies regarded as deadly or perhaps resistant of as in how easily they may be caught or subdued, but ending not as the defeated in epic dramatic battles for supremacy as one and then another takes power over the waiting people managed and attacked with no warning or compassion as when a belief in empathy should overtake a rationale to treat your enemy distant from yourself though not necessarily a friend if we could only keep in mind that we have…’

log a rhythm…

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‘freedom of choice to jump into things we cannot understand while under the false impression that we know the truth instead of being the interpreters of this vague quality through our misadventures in time and space as the continuum keeps up this consistent grind of forward motion even as at periods it becomes a detriment to the people now influenced by such things, but industry pushes the gears assaulting one more meal worm of a human turd to be flushed outright at any given point when the house is full mooning over with no one ready to take the bets or cut a payment to hand out the dividends to those righteous winners determined to win at all costs whenever given the opportunity seeking out ideal proper compensation for it to appear as professional competence…’

synes of the cosmos…

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‘we are hybrids in a universal plot kept as a tense reminder of offensive urges that taint the observer vicious against any novelty of humanity as compassionate extension of oneself contrasted against the rest of this awkward path to civilization by our merits as much our mistakes calcifying in the depths of the out there somewhere engaged in the investment of digesting the answers that timESPace has to offer when exploited by the opportunism inherent in our culture now, but isn’t easy to live with when things change their shapes quickly as though told in tales through the myopic scope of a Mankind’s limited diet of outside influence moving oneself held captive onto tormented ideals like islands in a vast empty sea catering to the ignorance on the dark side of any enlightenment…’

punk as folk…

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‘hidden between humanity and an antagonistic drive that compels our viciousness towards each other as though enemies since birth… as it takes time for us to get angry in a group when oppression and suppression have been peaces of this ideal from the start when superior and inferior are drawn from the totalitarian results lacking the substance to articulate dreams or creative forces beyond the material void present as all those static objects we seize, whether through courage and persistence to deliver a soluble force against all odds of selfishly grabbing at whatever will fill the holes whether drugs sex or rock n’ roll scrambling to edge closer to this meaningful individual with no ending too soon in sight…’

living in a techeval age…

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‘vitality that haunts as it flaunts all needs and accessibility of the others while the cutting off of those that perhaps deserve the greater reward of a future to look forward to though so many seem unable to grasp what that means without as principles of certainty to guide them as savage medieval weapons have cowed the multitudes since ancient times when a killing was everyone’s business and in that business was good, but we have reached a new point of no return in this singular millennium from which only a few things have escaped that were not of a material origin to start with as dimensions filter into our base of operations through the creatures developing on many layers of time and space as mind opens out to the future and relays this intrinsic circuitry…’

laddies and gentle ma’ams…

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‘presumed to be this or that pointing to reasons justifying our execution when death is as cold a certainty to confront although some few are saved from being exposed to this perjury in a peanut gallery of our peers whose embedded repetition is assuring us that everything is only to be okay if this stays the way it is Now, but i disagree with those threatening stages wholeheartedly when it is the we as these living performances keeping us all intrigued with should-have-been scenarios used training us to collect expected results like the ascent of the video game culture that soon leads to these newer systems of remote attack and monitoring endorsed by our fragile yet creeping opportunocracy terrorizing this populace at large with televised minions who bow before the craven institutions that have cultivated them…’

source or error code?…

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‘intentions of sometimes efficient activity to promote this speeding vessel toward inevitable conclusions unfathomable until the destination is reached, that we think we can prescribe in what we believe is best for others as simple but unnecessary to satisfying that cryptic urge to make unhappiness as real and palpable thing too just as potent a truth as it is for you or i to conceive of so easily while these crazy demons crawl the surface of this heathen earth in whose decadent spinning can appear further from whatever it is we merely assume to be truth, but is disguised behind disgusting mockery awareness that the clues are there sorting out in ethers as a primordial chthosis has made for us like ants inside this ant farm of the cosmic godhead as it tries reaching enlightenment…’

callous, the wonder in mankind…

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‘victims now turned villains in whose ideals became harsh and twisted undergoing these nasty changes thoroughly warping the currents of society as they wash our minds ashore Here, ignored by the majority of the pawns and clones kept droning on about nothing of any real interest found trivial in the despotism convivial endorsing this old favoritism with some merchandise and subtle advertisements acting as propaganda in whose nazi symptoms of giving in to old marching orders in stomping out any bright sights they seize to smash them into darkness and then choices undermining ideals to disease the living substance as it tries to resist this decision, but seen as vivid soldiers to some as this shaping in reason as much seasoning the embellishments of a proposed future plan soon demand of the elite upper echelons in power…’

monkey steals the peach…

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‘values bold in penetrating like the ready girth of a baby’s soft fist thoroughly punching the guts of a status quorum with some lustful expectorance coughing up forth this and its vital juvenile embrace of a youthful vigor to figure thoughtful the sexual things as senectitude descends to slow upon this vital rage, boasting of attacks and encroachment into enemy territories unheard of by any but a handful of others who knew you back before these edges of awareness might have hit you to try sharpening your animal senses into being a rugged killing machine as we have idolized to life in this as bereft consumer atrophy as boldest of the many hold still in their place on the shelf while warriors primp and strut…’