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‘dominance or satisfaction from the children of this revolution… where claims of no solution drain the populace of collective energies a little bit at a time subtle in some instances revealed later as devious attitudes circulate suspicion from disbelief suspended over the heads of those whom will listen to taken as given for granted the fact is rather as vain and ambiguous as the prestidigitation of the pit and the pendulum swinging cuts across the meat and tissue to peel us apart layer by layer, when we decide to escape from these bonds that tied us down to these sacred rituals of belief it is as though that freedom of choice we are born with allows us to make our own life decisions whether for better or worse as the choice is a voluntary divorce…’
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‘in a will to a win, that fortuitous spin of favorable information that sometimes acting as mechanical pulley to be informed and as are many our sources now waving their standards just angled a slight bit differently than the rest with their roving armies of a punditry that pander to the most offensive as least common denomination that from this Mankind-made cess of suck stuck pooling each group gathering together feeding off of the stronger individuals first who have sacrificed themselves to provoke humanity toward an enlightened edge that our most blunted minds do not see, but as powers-that-be only stay that way so long as we obey swaying to a distracting consumer rebate in an offer that is always ending up for the debate between hypocritical interpreters versus the verses of hypothetical thinkers…’
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‘one’s heart as the golden apple of that eye remaining open as the other eyes have closed out of rejection for a thing judged too much or too little or too late in any event though as is the scheme of shifting things like the sand in our shoes combing the collective Akashic record of all the meanwhile, off-ended with tendrils of the shadowy and unforgiving to those that do not sort out their own solutions as the thematic tug upon human subconsciousness as continuum currently whirring and humming with brief encounters beached upon the straits narrowed to eliminate the petty from the pretty if when centering the sinister as thoughtful case in favor against their antagonistic nemesis as protagonist counterparts the villainous greedy heroes zeroing in with their mob mentality…’
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‘conscious receivers of signals yet predefined arbitrary by the technicality of a chemical certainty… the surgery was a success as tribal neoanderthals and bromagnons arose wedded to the homosapiens genetic material thanks to those ancient aliens in a position to adapt the alterations of the species to evolve and commit various individuals to task with these changes for the supposed betterment of a Mankind even though an archaic misogynist mindset has overtaken these concepts to generate stereotypes derived from those archetypal sources of great spiritual worth and material value now plundered by dysfunctional avatars gone wild, once risen as sainted or demigod status it is the followers who continue on in the essence of their idle worship…’
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‘any thoughtful reason that it would be this way at all the down-spiraling human ingenuity as cash crop of nations flounders in the mourning sun fought and assaulted by demoniacal souls who tread cautious lies lined up like rose hedges shaped subtly to strategizing intent in concepts that smell sweetly and look pretty up to a point, but hide the deepest darkest secrets that intrude upon communication of a truth personal and otherwise to mask and revive alternate routes confused by doubts where it is the humans whom decide to take their matters of weight to a place squarely upon another’s shoulders as a bold dramatic play to assert one’s will over someone else trying to swim through the sea of judgments in whose righteous obscuring of the facts as they are presented…’
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‘verbal remaining visual to the chain letters linked by the missing persons thought of value by the superficial societies that would rather dine upon the deities than risk as the courageous seekers who are eager to take one’s own reins and be damned with the rest of these rapists in changing terms to shift the shame and guilt upon one another until this system jerks to a halt, but ask what of the survivors whose opportunism trains them the best out of situations proposed like a test as government overloaded by the neoanderthals in our midst reflecting and projecting their animal stinks as camouflage to hide any sinister misinformation given as a credit to their nature as compassionless critter falsely naming themselves without flaws…’
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‘this bleeding state of ignorance heaving up missionaries whose positions make them into superiors as much as syphilitic in the extreme designing this new world dream to which we have all donated in some sense, tiny and crawling on all of those hands and feats of this kingdom to maintain a sense of order even when we are all so horribly out of it as if a great number of these insignificant hours as disturbed become the stories and anecdotes we pass along with the ease of the virus more patterns of encoded information central to anything or to any reason a conscious entity might choose to be Here, or to have a right to be heard by these humans in their war on worship trying to vivisect every side to the battle or argument with analysis…’
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‘throughout a furnace of the soul as the sweat hangs limp in that diesel breeze cooling and drying this stink onto us forcing us into re-washing everything dirty and damp with ideal clean routines that due the trick to kirk imagination from our fingertips as we lose touch within our dreams for the absolute certainty that takes place when there is no one but ourselves to guide us, and find us lacking as that diabolical critic manipulating the social physics universal amongst us to make everyone feel oppressed and depressed and distressed at that weighty amount of condemnation to relieve the burden we have become as that turd in the punchbowl floating mysteriously dropped by someone who enjoys leaving the mess for someone else to clean up as it takes a real lack of humanity…’
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‘nature’s truth commanding pawns to murmur with rumors and gossip too flippant to be true lost among the pillars of the community whose immunity and indifference to their own foibles can utterly render this reality banal and stagnant as the marching squadrons collapse yet another civilized group of residents native to a part of the earth found guilty by the power-mongers’ forces colliding with their ache of compassion, and beginning to worm into the heart of an omission carrying out bitter fights to exorcise any peaceful agreement from within sterilizing the new meanings with a bitter end game face as the assholes take their place upon the human stages that loop and continue to craze that massive untamed madness that humanity has become with these cesspool deliveries as barren from lazy behavior as from the hollow cost…’
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‘cozy as the baby ignorant we once were conceived as, ensnared and caught in a crossfire when growth and self-awareness are achieved to be deceived by this system as it tells us not to care too much about the rest of the cattle led to slaughter to dine as sacrifice fighting a survival game instinct distinct in its vapid and compassionless push to create a simple world where nothing viewed as false is considered true as though to be absolute and certain of this concrete example forever, and as landmarks and watermarks made once the reigns swept away by the winds of change spinning this roulette ever onward in toward pursuit of dreams made real by doses of antagonistic dread ascending to higher realms as yet to still be possessed by a ritualizing of nature programmed…’