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punk… chew… all…

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‘the words are used to condemn as reflect what we see inside of other souls our cells as soul are power that is scared by vulnerability being defensive at any and all costs to protect that only inner child as hidden as it is rambunctious and juvenile fighting and resisting both tooth and nail at the stolid solid sold-out adult as an authority to indoctrinate the youth through a charming swoon as call and response to the troops, it is this way that the novelty breaks out of previous molds conforming us to what we are told in a style that is reminiscent upon the term ‘learned helplessness’ that you could say drives us to herd as like single-minded the pack of cattle squished together and crowded mewling in panic…’

saprosyne of the times

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‘values set forth by revered ancestors… now dead gone far beyond the altered states of perception that we adore in this kingdom of the bored so jammed as a unit together into a realm of pure ennui or indifference filled with discontents who honor no authorities offering very few items of solace when confronted with this stagnation that brews and ferments mood as though the likeliest of suspects affected by this off-kilter synchronization managed by hosts and those parasitical fools that feed from off their chosen suscept when found…’


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‘sorting saints who hang back unseen tinted darker than they first seem when traits get handed down to those who require them in an engaging of the system that files us down to the barest details, but we are currently the beings for whom this adventure was made whether as serpent attempting to change the universe or as damsel in distress pushed to the edges of sanity by the forces that push this wily and manipulative by genial polite society hiding within the dirty edges of nonsense spinning us in some directions we ought not take too lightly as we go to fight the enemy…’

the data ripped me…

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‘unwary as the deep pool swallows the naive or ignorant with equal discrimination, but in this digital binary crypt we have found many avatars and solutions to solidify our place in this cosmos of dust and dusky horizons as closing eyes upon our current era which feels kind of uncertain even though there are many motives pushing from within as well as outside realizing that pressure comes through the tension created and manipulated by the least humane of our human beings Here having chosen loose and fast rules of recklessness to the detriment of all other beings involved or Here in the periphery… so we flip the script of whatever it is as written laws or otherwise whether the trials or tribulations of life and debt…’

shamanic panic

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‘subdued by a sad sac of tricks in this trade whose new age has dawned upon strange commercial uses for our spirituality that were always there though would have been previously attained to make bargains with the gods in the form of sacrifices that usually had the bloodiest elements involved into a grotesque madness that has and would end up leaving the people we are now wounded and confused by all those rituals and rites done before we made it to this life Now swimming through the ethers, as savages we have been mad at our inferiority inasmuch as it seems the anger comes from frustration whose dead end is either an eventual resolution or an escalation of tension and perhaps violence…’

to profess or confess?

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‘feeling as if this programming were certain and we can put absolute trust in any concept that hasn’t yet allowed itself to evolve because of the cacophony all those castrating voices carry within this network of symbols connecting the archetypes of a consciousness embedded Here if as it appears to be is not already too good to be true, but we never have an adequate gauge of this in a system trying its’ damnedest to get our reasoning chained to the popular opinions of an auto-piloted day and age while we channel the changing programs through our soul stuff that leaks out fluctuating inside as much outside of the complex head we’re all within as consciousness subsumes who it is we think could be ourselves…’

a rehearse in verse

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‘cruelty and vanity uphold these bullshit laws that do not protect or serve that majority who finds no peace in this world by forcibly dragging the society we have been granted into a whirling dervish of petri dish ideals left to be examined after an exposure to this erosion, but as spirited expressions we slam together opening and closing a door of perception at a time as the self evolves through an involvement in the survival game struggle that invents any ideal of the rugged individual who can handle every detail no matter how prickly it gets when the harassments become an issue for real that it must be dealt with accordingly through whatever means necessary to a fault as the idealized person runs against real experiential opposition… as with all the lies laid at our feat…’

my fodders clone… ( I AM )

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‘distraction as trend set mental to disburse the consumer edge bending over backwards to stay up-to-date with the Now as temporal wave flowing linearly through the cosmos registering upon this collective consciousness, but the impressions we get as much as the ones we imply that are created from our imagination as a grasping guarded secret remains hidden even when revealed by the interpreters of our future and the many dimensions unmentionable by anyone other than the artist who acts as a transmitter for these signals in expressions of an actualized humanity living through the credos of reason and logic analyzed for uses beyond the mind to gain access to accuracy… a secular illusion elusive in its’ behavior to function and stay functional all throughout the periphery of timESPace engorged on contemplation as a self-elation…’

neoanderthal & the bromagnon

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‘these mean creatures in high enough esteem to be utilized to brutalize the denizens of this land and others worldwide to defeat the peace with blows from the empire arresting the state of its’ positive change that only these mind’s eyes can see regrettably with the most clear sense of what is there though it cannot be overemphasized that these visions are left interpreted personally, and as when one of us tries to vocalize these concerns there is a momentary lapse of reason as the energy and exertion can overcomplicate the ideas and the words used create a vortex of communication which does nothing to resolve the matters discussed Here much as the selling of sex and violence in order to further vex and silence the masses from honoring their place in the cosmic tapestry…’


out of Context;
‘multitudes to fall from off cliff’s edge fringe of humanity’s endeavors exploring, and imploring the rest of these selves shattered by an illusion of separateness drawing lines as boundaries in whose guarded ignorance may allow us to be subsumed by the orders we are given thusly not questioning the lack of substantial answers received as the alien organism and the animal physique hybridize into these creatures as we are among those moving around so easily under disguises barely concealing the hidden… to question faith and filth as much as any other system of dichotomy tricking our senses into visualizing then applying these concepts into actions that train the system and attune their users with the particulars of interfacing with the modern paradigm such as ours Here…’