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‘growth on the dark side born into the bright colors of that swirling sun and this galaxy the home to so many things that range the mystic scope of reality on into the extinctual or legendary status to be remade into yet another fetus with a chance at thrusting out externally, thus forcing selected orders out of the way as slates need to be blanked before the reset or reboot can begin to impel an event horizon to dawn anew instead of this glacial pace that seems to wither patience away to anger and frustration as painful moves are made and choices are betrayed for that unhealthy practice of hoarding whatever an individual besides yourself might need or want to keep to secure one’s own contented viewpoint oblivious to a large amount of the fascism…’
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‘through artists and their art interpreting that stunted growth of the constant repetition in nature as the obstacles might appear hazily as though from a distance unable to be as measured until the external mode of reality is breached by these especially pointed objectives of life and light that absorb upon landing the rabid distinctions that can hastily pull people from one task to another in the blink of an eye… the debate raging onward…’
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‘affixed before it burns out with the white heat of opportunism run amok without the civilized drive that we speak of as being any superior function to these organic portals confused as computers at this level in development which is false as the flesh circuitry we are born with works on many subtle parts or subconscious layers that permit trivial variation, but only as long as the organism is not cut down or made to be in a detrimental state where very few items of sense float on as around these memories ebb and flux…’
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‘learning how to manage one’s own timeline through this continuum as the right passage will get you truly what that is you feel your heart’s delight deserves then life passes right into many phrases where observation and patience are keys to a kingdom that needs no castles or knights serfs nor slaves to redeem any of the valuable connections scattered and jamming all of the subtle frequencies around us as particles or motes floating like dust unseen as that fierce wind the deep sense of triviality embedded in the procession… tossing around the people and places caught in a tornado of souls as we all interact with each other…’
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‘as salesman, a rusting hustler still mining the opportunism where the dream once stood before subversion became the hunt and the sport over a ridiculously condensed amount of time with the game being the massive of people we are as much a part of as the rest lost in the dire shuffle thinking money is the solution as financial systems collapse for those not at the top of the heap reaping the rewarding and benefits yet a claim that no one else is responsible for the accumulation of that wealth, but this is of course false as a flag burning defiles our national integrity in flaming retribution in lifetimes of filth and hopelessness…’
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‘ease the discomfort of bizarre altered states thought a better alternative to the blackout that hits to defenestrate the helpless mind out of the window of the soul once that threshold has been reached because there is only a tiny spectrum of “good time†before the closing just as hard as the initial launch, but these things are only the most positively effective when there is a respect for the humble qualities of the cherished fix pride burning out those without the slightest developed respect for either plant nor animal only the chase for that mode outside of one’s own specifics to attempt reality testing as personally-divulged tool in assessing a safety and the general attitude of the environment as it crosses our paths Here… restricted by an absent authority that believes itself inevitable…’
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‘nothing makes much sense without so much as a road map to triangulate a pathway to attack upon the basis of a stratagem that will be striking out against those naysayers trying their hands at a sooth as a truth saying whatever they wish to create a fundamental though not fundamentalist shift in these self-evident truths vibrating no matter the person vying for dominance, but figures who do come to power are not ever what was expected when they apply to rules that give leeway to certain groups opposed as to those viewed as being the inferior and lacking any appropriate traits to pass on to those of the future of the evident species though this of course is all a game played to keep the general population as paranoid as possible…’
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‘yet still so many that refuse out of stubborn instincts to be as contradictory as possible and stand against the grain as a living resistance in one form or another whether as good guys or bad ones each pushing an agenda of goals that we as the masses have no other choice but to try adapting ourselves to or die swallowed by conformity or to have tempted fate to absolve us of our suffering in Here venturing to appease the unrelenting with ambiguous motives with plans to subvert and infuse steady torment within the daily death rituals… as condemnable focus for the multitudes reinforcing their lives to cooperate with the rules of some vicarious idea of mastery thrilling tyrants who have been given as archetypes televised and utilized in modern mass pacification…’
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‘something more relevant than merely conforming to the opinions of others where no comfort is granted with any of a casual goal pursued tethered to this basis for operations by theories on string and those tentative connections between us rivaling bullies confronting to intimidate or terrorize or worse while the sequence of events rolls further off the assembly line lied to by the sports always heckling the good intentions of anyone they would prefer to use or move, and the abuse gets thick and tense and noxious as well once you learn under what auspices of whose grotesque sense of history we all shuffle about taking on those burdens and proofs to which it is to be reasoning of authority that we finance and follow with these horrid terms applying to make everyone a criminal easily persecuted…’
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‘those inconsistencies that riddle our system with pain and suffering, but even in the concrete of care-taking what gives way to the decay and lack of improvement even if no one is devoted to making things better as though changing this by anything other than a humble mindfulness can distract from identifying with a confident version of the Self that is able to act and be responsible when needed as weeded out from the resting wicked Here in a kind of purge that keeps the outsiders on the fringe that bursts loose from the seams making it more madness than we ever could need… keeping oriented with the ticking away of clocks into oblivion as time is something easily referred to by the upper management whose presence is not ever seen only felt…’