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‘pyramid schemes that are worthless to those of us at the bottom scraping the barrel for more when what we get is less then becomes the least common denominator dominating impression amongst the people shone hologram passes to other worlds only ever dreamed because they lie dormant inside of us where body as mind has fused with the concept of mind as a body… sage advice only works for so long before irrelevance kicks in and exiles the remaining pockets of these ideas ascertained as fact while gigantic computers and monitors housed in secretive facilities have their say in this country’s protection through networks of a kind no mere human can fathom alone as information swarms all around us…’
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‘the struggles never end Here where some would say the sidewalk ends though rainbows thrown afar into the winds that cast rain and storms and it even snows our way sometimes waist deep the further we go as impeded by the cold and ugly and indifferent attitudes as the change in seasons, we reason there are no reasons to go back when the track propels forward out of the darkness into the heart of the light as a diseased metaphor for the belief in an absolute of the infinite resource from which to draw all potential so it may become kinetic no matter what entheogen we take to enter the church of our subconscious motioning all the little sicknesses away because there is no use for us bowing down to weakness as though the only dominant force…’
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‘the vanity in some creatures will only refuse to die if it has to be the sudden time to leave this mortal coil that sometimes wraps around our throats confusing these various interests we had before the collapse of both morals and a corporate ideology that has left us bankrupt and ruptured by all the cheap thrills corresponding with the cryptofascist miscommunication to impair the rational to find weakness moving with negative reinforcement all acting as impetus to deliver… a safety and shelter as sanctuary holding doors open for the budding saints we are trying to wedge what it is sanity has left ourselves terribly caught off-guard as an awkward means to an off-kilter end that sits and dreams waiting for the next arrival on this plane too bored to work…’
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‘we live on our own island of a myopic utopia in this consensus reality, and the ghost of our consciousness wishes to float free of the form though this is foolish to actualize before we are of a right mind and soul ready to do this as the junk we collect invites this as living singularity or hub for all these other forces swarming around looking for a sense of life while certainly not gone from this state of the natural redress that commands us to address what it is we were thinking to begin without this face we have grown used to… disreputable jewels of denial cast about senselessly like seeds dropped on rocky ground to call down a response from the heavens never-ending as restless cloud from which an everything reigns…’
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‘asking forgiveness in the belief of divine faith that overrides the stains made by human creatures taking shape in the waste, but the hammer strikes with the scythe rendering this discussion mute as much moot to their vacillations vivisecting inside the ruling class of their awful elitist dreams and glory casting others about like rag dolls to distort and harm without a retaliation vexing sting to keep those parties in a perpetual swing as to stop it all would kill the illusion which remains like a halo over our heads collected together Here my friends sharp as small jagged thorns stick and sacrifice the losers to honest whimsy… what is it to be regarded as simply divine or as legendary?…’
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‘uncertain urges that are unforgiving, and Here we are a bit deeper in the nightmare than when we were previously being conceived as merely trivial bytes of dreams and flesh floating alive in the atmospheric womb stewing in septic fears and guilt trips gone awry until that most highly anticipated birth of the child whose worth fills out wholes left empty by those cowards and craven villains matched to meet the maker’s edging with the branding marks on the chest used to signify these commodities slow to lose value… the fulcrum of power a full turnaround devoured as the tale of the ouroboros in its traveling surge leaving crumbs of glory in the wake of this world ocean manipulated by waves of these peculiar individuals…’
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‘relating the outside world to my internal analog because of senses that i barely understand while presently Here within this richest abundance yet is always constrained by all of these conditioned obligations as the functions of slight corruptions are erupting into as vacuous an attention eluding the perception of truths as the shadows dancing around this light reflected back upon the person viewing images caught in sight of that window, that personal panorama of dreams torn asunder from the seams of sleep where it is we reside most comfortably awaiting a kinetic jostle from cold data around the way as gated threshold encoded to doors of perception unladen by swallows of dry wit too droll to affect the accents that perhaps make it a joke worthwhile…’
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‘a spinning wheel of fortuitous losing as the supposed winners wincing have already gotten off this ride severely austere driving home the noose as clues to this cruelty and the fealty to the vicious nature of this kingdom working holistically toward conclusions of proof in truth mayhem supporting the righteous while putting a boot down stamping upon the rest of this human face viewing to crush hope and drown faith in its own juices squeezed so as to drip the dollars as abject waste fertilizing the fruits of labor’s love lost, but only as it was tossed in amongst the heap with the compact of trash thrashing around glories and gutter valor…’
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‘if there are such things like monsters we have dismissed into the shadows and then regrettably forget about a condemned amalgam of nightmares refused substance by an overwhelming consensus between few actual hands as deep in the power struggle as it is played to be while trying to contain damages done, and manage to control the reaction to these movements as they occur then we are eventually coerced into becoming a part of the dreaming we left when we became living gods caught up in a fraud of sorts as the pieces we contribute flow back in to spread the myth further of who we were during in those days and nights sent scurrying and questioning…’
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‘a series of vivid selfish exposures to the oxidizing system that forces trauma upon a people that it creates much as i have come to see bugs are a force of nature though one that always dramatically changes, in human as a nature has been exalted to a category superior to other animals even though tending to be these basest of constructs compared to these other types of creatures can lichen us to the animals as the main predator in whose violent primal self is one raging hormone away from attacking any others for dominance in the kingdom even when subtle repercussions can deaden the senses used to adapt us and woe be to those…’