out of Context – ‘…wage-enslaved and obsessed what may trigger us soon preemptive before calamity has what details are necessary to happen that even secular professionals and scholars cannot foresee what mighty waves are challenging our survival opposed to imaginative actions which would promote growth across the spectrum in humanity’s purview simply perverted by propositional suspense appearing to exclude any wavering stages set asunder and surrendering under anxious tension to perform as narrow-minded society we are Here conflicting much as contradicting ourselves and weighing in against what is said with what is being done, a tragic revolution resisting ourselves shattering our own expectations for what we believe as solid stable and above all sensible while in the comfort of the strangulating safety net sheltering us all to death through empty platitudes and offense taken…’
‘…glimpse in vain into the future to set precedent which cannot be prearranged in this state of temporary flux in the metaphorical furnace Here trapped with the other souls fighting to escape the pressure… can you feel its presence as it creeps ever so subtly away from the brain and into the limbs usually forsaken to cursory glances when wounded that self-soothing behavior one tries to fix themselves with because it may be too vague to grasp right away feeling more like series of difficult tasks to perceive these ideas as self-affirming patterns in itself the living gaze society imposes through humans that we think can cause reality to react violently as if nature were buckling itself from those tensions arisen with ultimately destructive aspects fostered over centuries where one neither cares nor approves…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…to accept any outcome when every avenue of decision seems inherently unfair from beginning sense of being applied… not disguised as other misfortune we are stuck without sometimes easy or sensible remedy to our situation if we can only recover enough to obey gravity symptoms of the deleterious regime using artificial extractions of natural primal forms to build upon the works of civilizations prior to this self-condemning syndrome undermining our stability whenever weakness reveals its variety of effects inundating the multitude seeking solutions superficially interjected striking out in the worst of possible options normalized into rewarding psychopathic convictions lacking of civility let alone respect enough for others to move forward thoroughly throughout intermediate cycles of failure and contentment, finding meaning while we appear to only live once Here…’
out of Context – ‘…damaging through worded manipulation provoke cautious exhaustion weaving deftly between moments cluttered and flustering solitary cuckolds using technology to appease their bodies signals expressing carnal lust stemming from unsatisfactory straight out of the sadist factory indeed each one of us a variation on forms shaped by warping the unseen with invisible hands until the ideal somehow functions within the material source distanced away as tartarian emetic myth acidic strangers being trained becoming stranger, looping re-calibration sometimes synchronized with succumbing to numbing agents to some degree repurpose of empty platitudes and promises revived to give meaning to conspiracies replacing the cold sauce of tartars with the hot sauce of barbarism instead slithering back to human sacrifices appeasing the gods in question such heaven erazed by those villains…’
‘…systems already in place to reinforce the new world turd reich fascist regime trying to fatalistically overthrow what little charity that is observed from that automatically civil standpoints getting abused or walked upon because of being confused for doormats Here, weak people whose attempting to get their revenge out of spite liberating the people with hatred and mayhem invested to cloud those thoughts of truly baseline simple people even those whom have the animosity to claim being better off than anyone else without fearing some snap back from the peanut gallery Here tossing off vomiting their lunch onto the world stage wretches wretched raining what appears at first as water but does it quench thirst before it sickens the drinker quicker and quicker until released from the trapped organic maze we feel inside…’ – out of Context
‘…stage reached by all as dancers is called mainstream once everyone is squared up and ready to jive this social macabre frenzy loose grabbing partners the wrong way around aching to dance like the rest of those lunatic squares dancing in exotic locales romanticizing the past in its livid archaic bliss of ignorance promoting elder culture ideas when the mystery shrouds all our years of youth to one day be adopted by the hedge maze grave amnesia wandering unleashed and drifting as ghostly remnant amidst the renaissance of resistance or renaissistance that we are currently electrified to live, decadent through deprivation within broad auspices of modernity and their nemeses acting as competitive enemies by written words alone shaping our needs for us extensively offensive message Here the echoes from a distant past resisting personal freedom…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…system stirring up entrapment for another generative sequence fascinated effect with all the variables in action circulating energy and substance cosmologically as contained in various boxes reinforced so they do not break thus letting loose change and stochastic process setting mutating patterns in motion as though they could never stop and have always been with this liminal caption of the cosmos constantly reproducing beginners, the machinery and its mission we have called nature for centuries relying on the assumption of an anthropomorphic feminine energy whose fury we have had to contend with those who deem themselves winners and conquerors of human shapes and civilizations with questionable civility until timelines recombined onto this planet assumed unplanned as we see stretches far beyond before us as much as after us appealing to forces within our vicinity…’
out of Context – ‘…whimsically dancing puppet of impulse the agency of urges microbial and utterly autonomic functioning automatic meaning need no thinking to casually achieve Here what other professional intellectuals much pained being paid their worth over years, especially when it seems easy to contradict the systems you resist finding methods to automatically write parts of the brain out allowed to shart onto the page with reflex technical wisdom not wizardly behavior emulated by modern scholars who swoon over their loved tomes of lore alluring to that specially nerdy someone searching forever to acquire the skills and knowledge to tap those opening vast portals as we speak flooding us with feedback loops and noise patterns constantly anchor one to oneself located on multiple frequencies whether body or senses does not matter because of corrective offenses defenestration window…’
out of Context – ‘…in this life fixated on pursuing stability to survive before happiness even enters pleas affording us opportunities to trade personal sacrifice for success, though what wealth does this formula allow but that which is still held by supervisory authority artificially managing numbers behind the screen intellect at interface stations Here glimpsing brightness before skittering away into routine once again foreshadowed by creature comforts and adapting individual habits around access to savage instruments challenging what resting laurels then populates with that succotash suffering rehashed against better judgments crutches if you can find them abuse then binds them leaning on someone else to support oneself through the damaged goods and services acquired inconvenience baggage undesirable by average taste the critical extensions hasting sudden onset of repulsion…’
out of Context – ‘…we know so well that no manners customs or habits in this usage matter above our own personal optimal delusions inflicted upon others whose work becomes distracted by the impulsive and reckless troubles that gather energies as the storm in nature, supplanting the fear and dread once finding solace within the tempestuous eyes of calm behind which reveals itself organic avatars coercing destruction to curb stomp digests as damaging fate that grips and throttles us ruthlessly attempting out of selfish distinction exclusive tincturing to those that will pay the rent for industry to manufacture and fabricate what may end up in landfills as soon as the products drop on the market found unacceptable by the masses this dark informal weight that drags us down these awful levels where we are doomed to trip over ourselves…’