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‘behind minions and anonymity that bind and conflict the victimized without being able to see a clear enemy so camouflaged that isolation and paranoia are some of those inevitable results that infrequently the social mechanism corrupts itself with all details but lacking a subjective quality as very definite trait allowing this human form a corpse at a time of the conveyor belt crisis as a midlife is like this with no access to the spin cycle until their designs include us as the pawns…’
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‘ideas of power becoming integrated in consecrate concentrated doses culled from the herds and flocks that emerge while presently submerged forces those likes which are epic but receding into an ocean floor hungry for more matter and knowledge to devour as darkened gods harkened from when civilization was still purely conceptual by the standards raised in name of them that wanted to evolve by the decree of whatever gods would have them invisible to all but the chosen who whisper in nonsense phrases…’
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‘once Mankind began to tackle responsibility for its actions in having lead culture by a leash lashed against that wall that no one else can see to make sure a few of our ways will stay tethered by this chain… that is not assured in anyway as freedom varies like art or as magick contained in the village a voyaging vessel through timESPace as the journey enfolds us all and our remains a solid state through the rocks and stone as the residue of who you were slowly washes away with the rain…’
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‘affected by disturbing touches evoking chills from warmth shifting the balance as catalyst to the stirring ids and egos connected as distinct views on reality slowly floods the mind and will to live or love as deemed that as most necessary by the individuals themselves, but curious from all the static Here trying to strain a meaning out of the scary shards stolen hearing only a little bit at a time a total terror slashed across the back with whiplike snaps summoning pain against cheeks flush with blood red stains teaching lessons hard to make learning as difficult as it can be so that resentment and trauma stunts the growth…’
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‘the door of perception opened wide for an understanding in whose quest can cripple even as hardiest of survival adepts dragging in all their own knowledge of harsh and cruel nature an all-encompassing authority over these individual minions and those vast dominions favored by tyrants and terrorists alike… no matter that terrain could subdue undermining your own personal thoughts into control for oneself a breaching of threshold boldly going where no one had sought before re-caged animals as swines and cows are martyrs…’
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‘ to get a better deal from any ready sell-o-crat machine trying the repetition programming of the political domestication in authority Here where times we tread are limited while the ride is in service, an eye towards the distance hoping to bridge all gaps between an anything could happen as much the suspension of disbelief as once slackjaw to a sleight of hand handed down generation…’
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‘of those held snared by fear fiercely caught up in surged frantic frenzies of fanatics addicted to celebrate the skins of celebrity warships cruising low through the churches worshipping many similar myths as we choose and so use them as much to start the wars as that of troubled crew attacking confused at healing within this foggy vain thought process congested and contained…’
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‘to whom might beat back the domains attacked drawn taught from slacking adapting the pressures as they measure our instincts and turn violation into artform, or in other words a traumatic cradle of life from which a unique experiential path is birthed as though the ghastly substitutions for a crib while nightmares of authoritarian lies alive are surrounding to imprint upon us their biased versions of why the world is this way a piece at a time…’
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‘lost in an ignorant ablyss sinister as any imagined death that traps us and our dreaming sanctity idle with privilege and weighed down by those obligations supporting the stability of c!aim that floating with beasts far more dangerous a predator than a mere man-eating shark could be as cannibals one and all told we are exiled from the world stage whether a discovery or recovery to escape from the tormented DNA chain that binds our feet right Here with the other wreckage…”
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‘no drift or lift that drags us sometimes by the bootheels to walk in and talk in jagged tangents and jargon as they manifest individuality a zygote-to-be on the way to bring the human back to humanity where magic we are as keystone to working our will as we wish it if allowed crucial support at our most formative periods fueling the inspirations held so dearly sometimes obtusely angled into focusing in from realms inedible and all-too-pretentious to handle with a necessary care or consistency that requires us to be there accountable and responsible…’